Rangers of Drúadanby: Kreator(vM)
Progress: 7%[/center]
Updates •[12/11/05] Re-did Thread on SEN
Storyline I started work on the story, but you will just find out when you play the game. I might also make like a trailer or prolouge, featuring part of the story or whatever.
Features and Game play • Players: 3
• Tile-Set: Jungle (Isometric Mostly)
• Area: 256x256
• Turn Based Combat
• Virtual HP
• Rank System
• Experiance System
• Shop Engine
• 8 Abilities
• 4 Items
• Shuttle Response System
• Four Weapons (Dagger, Sword, Short-Bow, Long-Bow)
• Balanced as Much as Possible
• Day/Night Cycle
• Trigger Count: ????
Battle System It is Turned Based which means when you first encounter an enemy, you will have to select the option you would like to do. Your turn is first, then it is the enemy's turn. It will toggle back and forth each time until you run away or one claims victory. You can see the main screen in the screen shot, but here is the list of spells and items:
[ ] Hawk Strike - Send a Slash on Enemy
[ ] Eagle Bash - Send a Bash on Enemy
[ ] Ember Wave - Send a Wave of Fire on Enemy
[ ] Ice Wave - Send a Wave of Ice on Enemy
[ ] Charm - Invincable for one Turn
[ ] Furyblade - Sends a Fire & Dark Magic on Enemy
[ ] Illusion - Creates Fake Multiple Confusing Enemy
[ ] Redemptation - -5 HP Send Lumination Strike on Enemy
[ ] Leaf Bread - Restores 5 HP
[ ] Shard - Restores 4 MP
[ ] Golden Shard - Heals Max HP/MP
[ ] Poison Shard - Stuns Enemy for One Turn
Terrain It's the basic isometric terrain, but I might add in sprites later in the production. Nothing really fancy. There will be some extended, but not really all that much.
- The Battle Console - - The Camp Entrances -
- Killed a Ling - - Owning a Spider -
- Starting Place - - Druadan Smith -
- Ambushed Camp - - Bridge Camp
- A Dead Camp - - Virtual HP -
Progress [ ] Console
[X] Attack
[ ] Abilities
[ ] Items
[ ] Flee
[X] Critical
[ ] Miss
[ ] Abilities
[ ] 1 Abilities
[ ] 3 Abilities
[ ] 6 Abilities
[ ] 9 Abilities
[ ] All Spells
[ ] Enemies
[ ] Add Enemies
[ ] Experience
[ ] Dropped Items
[ ] Resistance
[ ] Bosses
[ ] Add Bosses
[ ] Experience
[ ] Dropped Items
[ ] Boss Spells
[ ] Resistance
[ ] Ranks
[ ] Ranks to 20
[ ] Items
[ ] Purchase Consumable Items
[ ] Use Consumable Items
[ ] Find Items
[ ] Mix Items
[ ] Shops
[ ] Weapon Shop
[ ] Armor Shops
[ ] Item Shop
[ ] Inns
[ ] Merchant
[ ] Sounds
[X] Walking
[ ] Attacking
[ ] Abilities
[ ] Items
[ ] Action
[ ] Day/Night Cycle
[ ] Day
[ ] Night
[ ] Misc
[X] Terrain
[X] Chest System
[X] Unit Placement
[X] Virtual HP
[ ] Quests
[ ] Unamed - ?
[ ] Unamed - ?
[ ] Unamed - ?
[ ] Unamed - ?