Why don't you think about the tips you give and make sure they are correct before you post them?
-Don't place resources or doodads straight near each other
Not great advice, because you can if you want that to be a diff syle, but on some maps I would agree.
-Use doodads
-Give your map a matching name
-Give your map a description
= Make map look nice and attractive.
You don't have to give it a "matching" name... Just a good one.
-Not more then 14 mineral fields and 1 vespene geyser in expand area's
14 is too much unless its a special case, and some times you can use 2 gas in a special case.
-Be creative and make a original map
-Don't steal any ideas
-Don't place two players too close to each other
You mean if there is a straight path to eachothers base. But if there are cliffs and stuff and a long path around its not as bad.
-Don't make expand area's too close to the start location or other expand
-Do not use more then 1 critter type, and that critter type must match the tileset
Bad advice.
-Don't place units/doodads on illegal places. Use staredit to prevent that.
Why would you?
Alot of the things you say are quite... Stupid. Much of it depends on different circumstances, and people try and come up with new concepts so alot of your advice goes against that.
Also, you don't need to post this because we have one thats more in-depth and about 60 times better than yours.
Good attempt though.