OMG! A campaign about me?!?!? No, it's not. The name "Doodan" is actually the name of a fictional character in my string of campaigns. Thus, I named my SEN account after the character. I came up with the character before I joined the site, so try to put what you think of me personally out of your mind if you play my maps.
The Saga of Doodan
This is the fourth (and probably last) installment in a series of campaigns about a bitter Protoss general named Doodan. It will be a 20 mission story with a variety of game types. There will be a few of the standard "mine minerals and build an army" type of maps, but there will also be RPG games, puzzles, crazy boss fights, and cinematics!
The campaign is complete, except for testing by someone other than myself.
-Players•1 Player
-Map tileset•All
-Map size•Several Sizes
Storyline / Introduction
The story picks up precisely where the third episode ended. At the end of the third episode, Doodan and his allies had defeated the Zerg in a climactic battle. There had been treachery and revenge, and it took a toll on everyone. After the battle, the good guys are heading for home when they encounter a black hole and get sucked in. Doodan, now injured and alone, awakens in a mysterious new land where the very rules of reality are different, and a whole new evil exists. That's all I'll say for now because I want the player to be as disoriented as the character.
But I guarantee that plenty of action, humor, suspense, romance, and tragedy will transpire in the ever-changing storyline. Story and characters come above all else in my maps.
-Player InterfaceAs I've stated, there are 20 missions in the game. The type of gameplay involved can be broken down into 4 general categories. Four of the maps involve mining minerals and building bases to attack other bases (but sometimes with a twist). Four of the maps are RPG style, in which the hero characters gain experience and purchases upgrades to become more powerful. Six of the maps are of the type where you simply move the heroes from the beginning to the end of the level (boss fights and puzzles often occur in these). And six of the maps are not to be played, but watched! Every two or three levels, you get a little movie map (usually 3 - 7 minutes long)!
The way I've integrated the RPG stuff into the other modes of play is by allowing the hero characters to "keep" the hit points, attack power, and armor they've gained in the RPG levels. For instance, if a hero gains 200 HP and 20 attack power in an RPG level, from then on he will keep those stats until the next RPG level. Also, over time potion systems and spell casting will be introduced as the gameplay gradually becomes more complex. The difficulty starts off so easy it's almost an insult, but I promise it will get much tougher as you go.
While the RPG levels are the largest of the game, I realize that killing enemies for powerups gets old after awhile. So 3 of the 4 RPGs can be completed in 1 hour or less, with plenty of story development in each one. However, the last RPG is a big ol's sum-femaledogword. It'll probably take at least 2 and half hours to finish. But none of the levels take too long. Except for that one, I'd say that just about all of them can be played in less than an hour. There's some reading to be done, so be ready! I did my best to make it good though.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•To date, I've never seen a campaign that blended elements of RPGs into it. I doubt I'm the first, but I have not seen another starcraft campaign attempt this.
-CharactersDOODAN The star of the show. He's an aging, cranky, and sarcastic Protoss general. But somewhere deep inside the bitterness is a good person. After serving for many decades under King Cobb, Doodan retired at the end of episode 1. But in episode 3 - as a result of the events in #2 - Doodan reluctantly resumed his post to help fight the Zerg. Everyone around him was treated to his constant complaining and wisecracks about his retirement being cut short. But with the Zerg finished, he fully planned on going home and retiring... but fate had other plans.
BUDDY KNEE Doodan's good Terran friend. Buddy Knee is one of the few who can tolerate Doodan's abrasiveness. He has a sweet disposition and is endlessly devoted to his fiancee. But you may find it odd that he gets a spot on the character page because he is - in fact - DEAD! He was killed in Episode 3 as a result of the Zerg controlling one of their close allies. So what's he doing here? Find out...
PATTON He is King Cobb's newest general. He is short tempered and aggressive, but loyal to his superiors. The word "warrior" best describes his personality. His over-seriousness caused him to be the butt of many of Doodan's jokes for a time. At first, he and Doodan didn't get along. But after being comrades and witnessing eachother's skills, they have both come to respect each other.
KING COBB Ruler of the Protoss. He is a wise and gentle king, but is not afraid of a challenge. His pride was wounded during the struggles with the Zerg, in which he was taken prisoner while his second in command fell under the Zerg's influence. He has developed a deep trust in Doodan and cares for him like a brother.
SUSIE Q She is a medic and was Buddy Knee's fiancee. She has a heart of gold, but won't take lip from anyone. She is rather naive at times, and has slipped into depression after the death of her would-be husband.
FRYER CHUCK One of Buddy Knee's oldest friends. He tagged along during the Zerg wars. He cares very much about his macho appearance, but is actually quite insecure.
There will be lots of other very important characters, but introducing them now would spoil some surprises!
-ItemsOver time, the player will be able to use items that can heal, give mana or experience, extra lives, and invincibilty potions. There are other story important items as well.
-SpellsSpells will be introduced in later missions, but they will include the ability for Doodan to lay Spider Mines, as well as summoning powerful units to help him fight.
Screenshots / Demo
No screenies yet

Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template!)Anyways, after approx 6 months of on/off work, it's finally ready! The whole campaign is a pretty big file... mostly cuz I got greedy with sounds. The master version (or director's cut) is about 75 MB, but I'm cutting most of the sounds out for the "release print." The version that's released should be about 15 - 20 MB in size, once I get done pruning it. Also, you'll learn my real name, but I don't care. I take pride in my work.
I'm pretty satisfied with it, but I want to let some people test it out before I "officially" release it. I don't want to post it on this thread cuz I've put so much damn work in it that I'd probably do something very foolish if it were stolen. For that reason, I'm only gonna let a few people test it. If you wanna test it, then let me know! I will PM you a link to the files if I get good vibes from ya
. Check for bugs, spelling and grammer mistakes, exploits inherent in the game's design, whatever. Also, I'm open to creative input. If parts of the story got really boring, or didn't make sense, let me know! You'll get credit at the end and everything. Either post here or PM me and I'll consider it!