As you probably noticed in topic title I am working on combat system for Heroes map. I believe that many mappers like me had this idea to make a Heroes map, but decided to stop when they came to combat system. I am not planing to make Heroes map, I am planing to release full guided combat system. All you will have to do in resize/change tileset and build your Heroes map on it. All triggers are commented. Also I added addition comment-only triggers that group/explain each system...
As you already understand, this map can't be made of just combat system. It also has unit slots, unit adding, unit count display...
Systems that this map will have...
- Preparing battle - unit spawn at battle field
- Unit respawn - spawns next unit in stack when one is killed
- Unit stack count/display - Death count control how much units are in stack in certain slot, it is displayed on zerg egg hp
- Adding new units to army - Add units to existing stack in your army or add new units to free slot
- Turn system - Order in which units make their moves, also skips empty slots.
- movement system - 1 action point per cell*
- Attack mode - 1 action point to attack with active unit. In Heroes the count of units in stack also increased damage done by stack, in this system unit amount in stack indicate how long that unit will attack.
- Spell system - I will leave this blank as everybody has their own spells in mind.
*movement system uses only 2 locations
When you resize this map it will be at the top of your new map. You can change it's tileset to any below jungle. All tilesets above jungle seem to mess it all up with null tiles and stuff. It's width is 256 so you have space where to make addition battlefield that differ in size and obstacles. Like you probably will want a siege battlefield
Here is default clear 10x15 battlefield I made.
This is concept, production and poll tread, post your suggestion, ideas and stuff here.
For those who didn't get it, it's about
Heroes of Might and Magic
OK Heroes of M&M TBC system is done
All triggers are commented and grouped. You should understand how it all works if you study them a little.
You will have to add 2 things before you can start the actual map:
- you will have to add combat unit types which you will use in map(marine, zergling...) I added a comment in each trigger group description where you have to add units. 42 triggers on each unit type. (Marine, Ghost, Goliath, Dragoon, Ultralisk, Archon are already supported)
- You will also have to think a way how to fix 1 bug I am too lazy to fix. When unit moves occupied cell it can be thrown out, jump it over, stay there... You should restrict moving on occupied cell somehow
There are probably some other bugs, but I am already working on map so you fix it. Hey you make the map after all ;P
Total triggers + supported unit types - 784
Locations used - 80
Ask questions and stuff, I will gladly answer them all. I really hope to see few awesome Heroes M&M maps coming out