I may have gone a little overboard with the doodads in the middle...now your large army will get stuck, panic, and die while the other player nukes you! (Not really).
[sub]I would like to see the nat closer to the choke, for zerg sake. But thats just my love of zerg speaking out. But really nice map, I like it.
thanks. do you think 4 gas expos is too many?
[sub]I didnt notice those high ground ones were gas also, but yeah, I would remove gas from the high ground expos, or anyone except the nat.[/sub]
[sub]Also, the expo at 2 is alot less open compared to the one at 8. May want to even those up.[/sub]
Yes it is.
And also Blue's base look considerably bigger than reds.
Symmetry would fix that, but make it considerably more boring. I like that upper high ground expo, it's sexy , crazy ramps with bridge. Not too bad matey. Looks pretty nice! Maybe consider widening the center a bit and a bit less trees for more flanking room since the alternative routes all have ramps and are hard to move armies across. Other than that from the JPG, looks like a pretty sweet map.
With work this could be quite interesting...
I made a jpeg in paint that shows some suggestions to help make the shape of the map a bigger role in the game.
Red X's- Cut out (if not obvious enough)
Blue arrows- Move
Green Cirlces- Add
-The green cirlces on the water mean you should make that passable terrain, it would add more to the game such as flanking, defending that expo and it would a nice addition.
-The blue arrows show you should move the nat closer to the choke of the main. Then, behind it, you could either add a blocked off min only or a cliff or something. The blue arrows in the mid show to thin out the water so that there is more maneuvering room in the middle.
-If you couldn't tell, the red X's wanted you to take out gas on the expos, part of the cliff blocking the passage to the nat at the top right, and the edge of the water so there is more room over there.
I like the unbuildable terrain in the middle, it'll help a bit with tank pushes, but its still not enough, which is why I suggested the widening of the middle and now why I think you should remove some doodads.
I think if you make these changes the map will be much more fun to play on and even a bit more balanced.
Not a bad map at all. GJ and think about my suggestions.
Oops forgot pic...
here it is:[attachmentid=15936]
change the water to ice or something, cause it will be confusing when units try to go below the hills on the small paths next to the water instead of on them.
Yenku took all the words out of my mouth.
Its cause I am a beast!
I changed it a little like you said.
Also starparty, I'm confused about the ice thing. You want me to make the snow connect onto the ice as well?
And I don't like my gas placement for the nat; think it will cause any trouble?
I'm resisting the urge to kill you over that nat gas placement.
I think you should get rid of one of the min onlies and either add gas to the expo on high ground or put expo's in the middle of map. And also, make a wider or add another bridge from the middle to the bottom/top expo spots.
Its never a great idea to place gas below and to the right of a CC. I would rather place it in an unsymmetrical spot than to the bottom right.
Homodofo, lol jk, hofodomo, Thank you for fulfilling every one of my wishes, its like christmas morning. Your'e a good listener.