Sim LifeDescriptionYou owned a company and went bankrupt. Your mission is to get a job, rob a bank, or anything in means to get money to pay back the bank for the money you loaned. You still need to buy a house to supply your needs and purchase grocery and things to keep you up to balance.
ProgressGlobal Progress[progress]10[/progress] (8%)
Stores and Places•Grocery [progress]100[/progress] (100%)
•Auto Shop [progress]100[/progress]
•Public Restroom [progress]10[/progress]
InformationsPlayers•6 Players
•2 Computers
Map tileset•Installation (I think)
Map size•128x128
Features-General•Apply for job.
•Buy supplies and houses.
•Get pets.
•Buy cars.
•Computerized cars and citizens.
Player InterfaceThis game is almost similar to Life of a Civilian games but with some changes and stuff.
DetailsItems•Food - Increases your health.
•Cars - Move around faster.
•Motorcycle - Move around even faster and get through narrow alleys.
(Note that all vechiles can be stolen by any human players.)
Stores and Places•Grocery
••Enter the store and you will be transformed into a Customer (SCV). Use the scv to pick up the items you want to buy and bring it to the cash register. You cannot steal it due to triggers. You can also apply for a job at this place. Place your Customer unit on the Apply/Quit beacon. When a certain unit runs out, it will display a notice. Bring the Restocking Boxes (units) onto the orginal product box. Then, it will transform into the product. All food cost 2 dollars each.
•Bus Stops
••To tell if it's a bus stop, there will always be a Zealot that says "Bus Stop." Stand next to him and he will tell you when the bus will arrive. Usually it's 10 minutes each bus but in some areas, it's different. You can be a bus driver as a job. But, you need to arrive at stops on time.
•CarMax Automobile Shop
••Buy vechiles here. You can only buy motorcycle and car. SUV always say that it is out of stock. I just did this to save triggers and make it more fancy. Also, you cannot work there. But, I may consider adding a mechanic shop next to it for repairing vechiles. Motorcycle cost 80 dollars and car cost 100 dollars. It may subject to change.
•Pubic Restrooms
••You can work here as a janitor. You clean messes made by people. (Ugh!
It supplies everything for hygeine.
Screenshots/DownloadsNone Available YetBut you can add me at XxPacmaynExX in east server to see what I got so far in action.