Hi, I'm StalingradK, and I'm an alcoholic....
Anyways sup, USEAST, if you play World War games and diplo, you've bound to seen me atleast once.
hey stalingrad
im a ww2 fan aswell
i used to be in various diplo clans
i was in Silent and Soviet
i split though, got bored, mastered the game, leet with russia,libya, and france. they proably are wondering where i am
Welcome to Staredit Network, my name is Vizual
welcome mr alchohalic to STAREDIT.COM
please enjoy your stay. if you are drunk and need to barf somewhere the water fountain is down the hall on the right side.
Welcome. I cant come up with another clever line, so I'll stick with welcome.
Hey brutha...How you doing!
Salutations, bretheren from the past. I greet you into the humble domain of the Staredit Network.
How's that for a catchy greeting.