A Heros Life RPG v.1.0 german
Map size:256 x 256
Sounds:over 10!!
2 Spells (all have the same)
-Battle Axe Spell: summon a Dark Templar who fights with you
-Long Bow Spell: summon a Gurdian who fights with you
-Marine = Archer: -No stim
-Better for the enemys Archer
-don't go with the Archer to closebattle Fighter
-Ghost = LongBowArcher:-good for closebattle Fighter
-This hero can made his invisible
-dont attack Maschine Fighter with this hero
Firebat = Knight:-big Battle damage
-don't attack enemys units when a friendly unit was there
Hydra = Toxic Archer:- This unit have a special Spell a toxic and can damage the
enemys hp
-a fast unit you can leave the battle area fast when you are
3 Potions:
-Potion: restores HP
-Ether: resores mana points
-Pheonix Down: Revive your hero
Go into all towns kill all bosses and train your hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats cool its going to be in german but...the rest lol
hey buddy your sig is way to big.
lol i made good map you seen it when it is finished
this map dont suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey iam a final fantasy fan too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okey, its not that im saying u have a choice, its a "Rule" not to have a giant signature