Concepts based on Spies vs. Mercenaries[/center]
[center]A sniper map with a blend of stealth, selectable weapons and items with multiple modes and playing styles.[/center]
-Unit placement•[progress]10[/progress]
-Players•Spies vs Mercenaries. (1v1, 2v2 or 3v3)
-Map tileset•Installation
-Map size•128x128
Storyline / Introduction
Players play on four different modes, capture of flag, virus neutralisation, deathmatch (and one undecided).
This map will offer a selective range of unique inter-countering weapons and items that players use with assault or stealth. Team combonation or soloing will ultimately test player's skill. A sense of realism and deception will also be attempted to be achieved in this map.
-Player InterfaceDepending on each seperate mode, rules are a bit different. However, in general every player starts off with some money which they can arm themselves with one primary weapon and three (for spies) or two (for mercenaries) supporting items. Each weapon and item has it's individual costs. Player's will attempt to make use of it's equipment to accomplish it's goals and earning more money (Each kill $200). If they die, they have to wait a while before respawn. Then the process repeats again.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•Well, I'm trying not to make this map too complicated like my other maps that never got completed. Therefore there is nothing much new here. It does have some special features such as appearing a corpse on the ground when a player dies, and a proximity engine which you can hear enemies that are walking close to you. There will also be sewers you can use as short cuts, and equipments like tazers, door jams, and many more. This map has manual aim.
--The melee weapons of the spy features affordablility and fast movment.
--Ranged weapons are rather lethal, however lacks defence and comes at high prices. The 4x and 8x Sniper Rifle allows a scoping system which is hard to master, but extremely deadly. Details on how to use it will be updated when it is done.
--Items and special weapons of the spies make use of deception, and manipulative intelligence (but not explosive or deadly). Examples includes knockout gas, and spy cameras.
--Overall: Spy is the stealth aspect of the game. Controlling and predicting your enemies' movements is the key.
--The melee weapons of the mercenary are rather expensive, but are specialised or do high damage. The Tazer will paralzye enemies and knock them out, the Army Sword will slice light armoured enemies into pieces. Full frontal attack by charging with these weapons in open areas are rather useless.
--Ranged weapons are very deadly. Although no sniper rifles are available, the twin machine guns and heavy MG makes up for it.
--Items and special weapons of the mercenaries are assault based, from C4s blasting away doors, frag grenades and planting turrets, the items are very explosive-based.
--Overall: Mercenaries portray the assault aspect of the game, tearing away the spies with brutal force.
-WeaponsNote: Weapons may change, including their details and prices etc.
Primary Weapons-
*None: (Civilian - $0) A defenceless spy. Players use this when they are using their money for speciality items or saving up money for their next spawn.
*Short Sabre: (Zealot {Upgraded Speed} - $100) Default melee for spy. Reasonably fast speed and can charge up to solo light armoured infantry.
*Dagger: (Zergling {Upgraded Speed in Movement & Attack} - $140) Impressive model of the spy dagger. Although damage is extremely weak, movement is very fast and can ambush enemies in enclosed areas.
*Pistol: (Ghost {No Spells, No Range Upgrade} - $120) Weakest ranged weapon. Effective with the combonation of correct items.
*Desert Eagle: (Ghost {No Spells, Range Upgrade} - $200) It's high damage and low cost compensates for it's low health and armor.
*Shotgun: (Firebat {No Stim} - $320) Most assault-ish primary weapon for the spies. Used for ambush in enclosed areas.
*Light SMG (Marine {No Stim, Upgraded Range} - $300) Pretty well rounded weapon.
*4x Sniper Rifle: (Ghost {Upgraded Range} - $350) Used for sniping. Extremely expensive and may need allies as human shield.
*8x Sniper Rifle: (Ghost {Upgraded Range} - $400) Same as above, except this allows zoom to twice as much as the 4x model.
*Corpse Mover: (SCV - $100) - Moves dead corpses from battlefield back to base. Each retrieved corpse gives player $200.
*Invisibility Suit: (Cloaked Civilian - $390) A civilian not detectable by any means except by thermal flares of Mercenaries or base detectors. Another way to kill it could be mines or guard dogs. If a mercenary touches the civilian, it loses invisibility.
Primary Weapons-
*None: (Civilian - $0) A defenceless mercenary. Players use this when they are using their money for speciality items or saving up money for their next spawn.
*Tazer: (Probe - $300) Special weapon that paralyzes enemies and makes them stationary for a while. Continuous tazing would result in unconciousness. The Tazer does not kill.
*Army Knife: (Zealot {No Upgrades} - $140) Extremely powerful melee weapon. Usually one hit KO for all of the low-health spy units.
*Revolver: (Ghost {No Spells, Range Upgrade} - $170) Reasonably Strong, high-ranged weapon.
*Double Barralled Shotgun: (Tassadar {No Spells} - $390) Slow, but extremely powerful.
*Twin Maching Gun: (No Range Upgrade, Marine {Stim} - $370) Shorter range than the Spy's SMG, but the it has dual firing rate when in burst mode, however the backfire damages the wielder by 10hp.
*Heavy Machine Gun (Hydra {No speed upgrade, Slowed down but Increased range} - $350) Extremely slow, but good at obliterating everything in it's path. Most effective way of destroying it must be sniping with a scope.
*Grenadier: (Civ+Reaver {3x clips/scarabs} - $220) Very effective against almost everything. Can destroy obstacles set up by Spies. Splash can damage mines too. Ammo is rechargeable back at base.
*Corpse Mover: (SCV - $100) - Moves dead corpses from battlefield back to base. Each retrieved corpse gives player $200.
Everytime they respawn, a spy can choose a maximum of three items with his Primary Weapon.
Note: Cannot choose two of the same items
Mines x 3 ($200): A set of three mines
Medkit ($200): Heals Character to 100% HP
Jam Door ($100): Jams a door in the map, so the door cannot be accessed by the mercenaries. It limits the path the mercenaries can take.
Lock Picker ($100): A tool that allows the spy to use Jammed Doors
Obstacle ($200): A big fat neutral Ultra that blocks the path. It has high armour so only a Grenadier or a Special item (Frag Grenade or C4) can destroy it.
Thermal Frequency Implode x 2 ($150): Creates a frequency that deceives all mines around you to explode (without hurting you)
Virtual Spy ($250): A invisible "box" placed somewhere that makes similar noises of a moving spy. It can deceive nearby mercenaries.
Sticky Camera (Crystal) x 2 ($200): Planted somewhere and gives vision to player.
Spider Bot ($100): A weak broodling used in scouting or visioning.
Chaff Grenade ($100): A very useful grenade aimed by the scourge cursor which emits particles that interrupts the flow of electricity. All nearby electronic devices are temporarily shuf off (namely enemy mines, their automatic turrets, or Motion Detectors. Spies can run past these deactivated devices, or destroy them.
Knockout Gas Grenade ($200): Uses Scourge as cursor, makes targeted nearby enemies unconcious. Does not kill them, sneak past them and steal the flag if you are playing CTF. Kill them to get the money if you want.
Radar (Transmission) ($150): A radar mapping from a satellite locates the position of your enemies. They will be pinged once on the mini map.
Everytime they respawn, a Mercenaries can choose a maximum of two items with his Primary Weapons.
Note: Cannot choose two of the same items
Mines x 5 ($350): A pack of 5 mines
Medkit ($250): Heals character to 100%
C4 ($400): Blows up door, obstacles, or just any unit in it's perimeter.
Lock Explosives ($100): Unjams door.
Motion Detector (Pylon) x 3 ($200): Neutral Pylon, beeps when unit is identified being around it. Can be destroyed.
GuardDog ($300): A dog (zergling) that will locate (smell) any spy (including invisible ones) around you, and also detect and remove all Virtual Spies and Mines without getting hurt.
Machine Turret/Plasma Turret ($250): A randomised Goliath or Goon is placed and cannot be moved. Cost is high due to great efficiency and also the vision it gives you.
Thermal Flare ($100): A sudden burst of fire above you lightens the darkness around every corner. Few mines are also temporarily shown for a few milliseconds.
Frag Grenade ($200): Aims with Cusor (Cloaked Scourge). Explodes and kills unit underneath.
Flashbang ($150): Uses Cursor and blinds targeted player got 8 seconds.
After I get some weapons done, I need testers to help test so I can balance the weapons out. Also, I haven't proof read this post yet. I hope everything makes sense.
-Spells•Uh Phooey
Screenshots / Demo
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