I was trying to figure out how to modify my map when i came across this site. There's definately a lot of info around here which is very nice.
I joined a game today called map making clan recruit, clan was [E] or something. he asked me what maps i made, i was like tos...test of survival. He said that those maps were gay and the only accepted maps are rpgs and bounds...pissed me off but oh well.
So here i am all alone trying to figure how how to fix my map. Well there's nothing really wrong with it, just it not very fun...prolly cause i've been play testing it for so long...
Well if u ever see it released it will be TOS III (working tittle) it's different from other maps if u've played tos maps, in this one u buy units at the top with a civ and they get shipped to you via dropship. And a bunch of other neat things like the concept of power and power usage through various options, eg shields, electric fencing...
Hmm about myself i'm an expert at evolves, especially 7.5, im pretty good at basketball and dodgeball and observer lovely maps and i lovez the defence maps
I play on US east, UsD-Fox.