Hi, I've been interested in Starcraft ever since the release. I hope i can help make maps and what not in the community.
Disco Stu has an eye on U
sup, help yourself to teh drinks
ur welcome as long as u dont spam or flame
and i dont mean the meat or spontaneous combustion
there are 2 exits in the front 2 in the middle and 2 at the back.
in the case of an onboard fire please proceed calmly and slowly to your nearest exit.
in the case of catching on fire please run around in circles screaming. it is a fact that hugging people actually puts out the fire.
Welcome to here Discoman.
You may disco whenever you feel like it.
< Bling Soap, Brutha!
If you piss someone off, Syphon will cut your head off and BeeR_KeG will eat it. I wil drink the blood.