Two nations locked into a conflict for survival. Fight for your faction's dominance over a vast amount of battlefields. Enlist as either Army, Navy or Air Force and progress threw the ranks as you enter the battlefields.
Overall Progress
[progress]15[/progress]15% Completed
Random Tidbits•256x192 on Jungle Tileset
•Six Human Players, Three for Each Faction
•One player on each side acts as a commander
•Bonuses given by current rank
General Features•12 Playable specalists (more may be added later)
•Hidden special units (amount unknown at the moment)
•Over 30 Command Points to capture
Specific Building Features•Command Center: All military orders are run by here. If this building is destroyed its game over
•Prisoner of War Camp: Enemy combatents that are kidnapped are placed in here. If this building is destroyed the opposing force is given a large amount of reinforcements.
•Power Generator: Offers power threw power lines to several key buildings across the map. If this building is destroyed, all power lines will be rendered useless disabling many military systems.
•Forward Bunker: The center for military deployment. This building also serves as a first line of defense for its front. If this is captured it will swing the momentum greatly.
•Specialty Shop: (For non-commanders) Offers a wide variety of items that can be purchased for a price. Ideas I have right now for items include: Med Kits, Upgrades for weapons, among other things
•Neutral Lands: Will not stage attacks however will defend itself. These are not necessary but add extra income to the faction's treasury.
Rank Specific Features•20 Ranks to climb
•Upon reaching a certain rank players may command a squad of infantry/armor/fleet/fighters etc
•Squads will grow as ranks progress
•May obtain authorization for Artillery Bombardment
•May obtain authorization for Coastal Bombardment
•May obtain authorization for Surgical Strikes
•May authorize the use of Cruise/Scud Missiles
•Obtain the ability to call in reinforcements
•Obtain the ability to create coastal invasions
•Obtain the ability to drop paratroopers
Items•Med Kit: Heals all units nearby
•Frag Gernade: Damages nearyby enemies
Detailed Information
•Commander: As earlier stated one player will act as the command for his faction. They will have a bird's eye view of the battlefield and will be able to provide support for his troops. He will have abilities to provide reinforcements where necessary and can give orders to troops on the battlefields
•Command Point: These are scattered across the map. These are the source of income and add additional support towards your army.
•Stances: The commander may select one of the stances for his faction. Each one will have different positive/negative.
Agressive Stance: Units will have increased attack power however will not be able to hold down a location as well as other units
Neutral Stance: Offers a balance between offense and defense
Fortified Stance: Units will have a higher amount of hit points, however will deal less damage
Screen Shots
Northern Air Force Central Command < - > Northern Main Naval Facilities (w/ destroyer docked)
Coastal bombardment with an amphibious assult soon to follow[/center]
Special Thanks
•PCFredZ - Made this handy template
•Psi - Creator of
Generals. A lot of my ideas and inspiration to make this map came from playing Generals. If you haven't already checked it out then I suggest you do so
Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template!)Quick Note: A lot of this is still in the planning stages. It can change to something completely different and probably will.