Here's my idea: It's a 7 player map. 3 people are the store owners. They must start their buisness' by building a store with the $1,000 they start with. They pick the products that they will sell, and at what price. The other 4 players must evaluate the stores and by stuff from the one that they think is the best. They must then build a house of their own. The store owners make more and more money, and make new buisness'. Once you have $500,000 (if you are a store owner) you can start buying army guys. the other people (buyers) must own at least two properties (marked by something) and must have at least $200,000. Then it ends with a FFA to see who can use their army to destroy the others. But be careful, you can recruit spies to steal money from a player ($500 at a time) and if you run out of money: You lose! This map should be done by June or July. So, here are the teams:
Players 1,3,5,7=Buyers
Players 2,4,6=Store owners
This isn't devoloped enough and should be in the 'ideas' forum.
I like your compliation of ideas, but you're asking for ideas instead of working on this map which is what this forum is for, 'maps in production'
Oh, the people I would KILL To be a mod and move this.
Either that or force you to organize it better, nobody wants to give ideas to a map if your going to be perfunctory to the concept.
I would have posted a suggestion if this was elaborated deeper, and if you weren't so apathetic to the idea.