Now that the Christmas Bonus is old, the 50/50 raffle pot is usually low.. I was thinking to make the starting pot 50 and 100% of the ticket to go into the pot. Over the last few days, the pot hasn't been getting very big.. I doubt the pot will ever reach 1,000 again.
What I'm trying to say is I think we should keep the raffle the way it is now.
Anybody care to comment?
And then that will get old and we would have to think of soemthing new and then we would have to code it.
Quite frankly, I see very little possible modification that could be done to it, you will still feel the same way about it because all you do is make 1 click.
Err.. I don't think you got what I was saying..
I was saying the Christmas Bonus should stay.. Or we could at least make the starting jackpot -50 minerals.
PM Moose with suggestions.
maby we need a new kind of game? lol in a old forum i went to , they had this thing like an rpg, you get exp for every post you put..but of couse spammin isnt tolerated...maby we could use something like that in the areas that you dont get minerials in? just a suggestion.
Well, if I add all the ticket price to the jackpot, it isn't really a 50/50 then, is it?
Yeah, I do plan on coding other games. I have my hands fairly full most of the time.
All of you guys really ask for too much. It was gone for a long time, and now its back. Geez, give the guys a break. Actually, give the guys a round of applause for such a glitch free system. We should be happy its back; at least we have something to enjoy while we are crunching away at quality posts. Wanna play games? Go play sc? Um, thats what its there for?
*claps, claps*
And besides, if the jackpot were any higher everyone would be playing raffle and getting bazillions of minerals and completely destroying the sen mineral balance (I call it the "Sen Zen"), instead of making posts and helping each other out. Thats what this site is for anyway. Those devoted to the sc (and the people in "Other Topics" of course). If we are going to ask and nag, then put yourself in the position of the coders. It probably takes them a long while just to get things up and going (without bugs of course like the negative items sold thing).
Well, of course it wouldn't be 50/50... That's still easily changed.. Also, I was wondering if I could get a yes or no.. or any input from people. I'm sure there will be a game or two added in SEN v5.