Starwars: Battlefront
If you've ever played SW: BF/2 for any of the game consoles, you will probably know what to expect. It's a kind of CTF, kind of King of the Hill, kind of Death Match type game.
-Unit placement•90%
-Map tileset•Jungle
-Map size•192x192
Description/How To Play
Like I said above, SW: BF will be part CTF, part King of the Hill, and part Death match. The objective to the game is to either capture all 7 Command Posts (which I came up with a system to make it take a few seconds to take over), or deplete all of the enemy's reinforcements. But let me walk you through how the game runs. In the pre-game lobby, you choose either CIS or Republic. In game, you start off by choosing your unit. After you choose your unit, you choose which Command Post you want to spawn at (only being able to respawn at the ones that your team owns). After you respawn, you will join your other human teamates, and also an army of computers that will be fighting. Your unit will be a little bit stronger than regular units, but not much. During the game you will be able to use items such as Health Packs, Mines, etc (using the Dropship Item System), upgrade you units, and enter vehicles (still pending though).
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?Not many of the things I have done I have not seen before, but I will list a few that I thought were interesting.
•Capturing bases takes a few seconds
•Spawning at bases that you currently own
•A game where you arn't some 'Super Powered Human...Thing' where you can easily kill all the bad guys wil one person. YOU are one of the little pawns.
•It's okay to die alot ^.^
-Characters-Republic Infantry•Clone Trooper (Marine)
•Clone Sharpshooter (Ghost)
•Heavy Trooper (Firebat)
•EMP Trooper (Dragoon)
•Clone Commander (Hydralisk)
•Clone Support Unit (Medic)
•Clone Pilot (SCV)
-Republic Vehicles•AT-RT (Goliath)
•IFT-X Tank (Siege Tank)
•ARC 170 Starfighter (Wraith)
•ANA Starfighter (Valkyrie)
-CIS Infantry•Battledroid (Marine)
•Super Battledroid (Archon)
•Droideka (Reaver)
•Heavy Droid (Dragoon)
•Assassin Droid (Zealot)
•Magna Gaurd (Tassadar)
•Droid Sharpshooter (Ghost)
-CIS Vehicles•AAT Tank (Siege Tank)
•Hailfire Droid (Vulture)
•Droid Starfighter (Scout)
•Droid Trifighter (Corsair)
Some units were changed do to SC not having those weapons, and me adding new units.-Weapons•No changing weapons. Weapons for units above.
-Items•Bacta Tank (All Units)
•Mine (Clone Trooper, Battledroid)
•Recon Droid (Clone / Droid Sharpshooter)
•Electro Charge (EMP Trooper, Assassin Droid)
•Sentry Turret (Clone Commander, Super Battledroid)
•Bacta Share (Clone Support Unit)
•Repair Kit (Clone Pilot, Magna Gaurd)
•Reinforcements (Clone Support Unit, Heavy Droid)
-Features to be Added• = Done |
• = Not started |
• = Working on it
•More Items
•Vehicle Control (Still need to work out a good system)
•Squad Commanding (Maybe, also need a good system for this)
•Playable Heros
If you have any ideas for more features, or have some idea for some of the systems I could use, please post or PM me! Thnx
Screenshots / Demo
CIS Unit Select
Republic Unit Select
Command Post Select
Random Terrain
Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template!)I would really really appritiate any ideas you guys have, especially in Items. I need more Items :-p
1/15/06 - More items added.
1/15/06 - Playable Jedi feature beginning to be worked on.
1/04/06 - Another tester added.
1/04/06 - Testers added.
1/04/06 - 'Features to be Added' section added.
1/04/06 - Vehicle list added.