can we have a forum that is only purposely for Rp'ing, if you wish i'd even take up the modding job on that board if you could be kind enough to make one for (us)
No, there isn't a large enough RP crowd.
Moosey is right...I don't see a whole lot of people in the Null area starting up RPs. Except for the SEN bar...there was none that really took off.
The best way to know how many RP fans there really are would be to put up a forum for a little while. Some people simply won't start in with it unless there's an actual place for it, so the number of roleplayers may seem less than it actually is.
Or you could just simply create a topic for RP in the NUll Forum, and see how many people participate with RP in your topic.
it would be too crowded and people spamming because of confusion. im bored so i'll start an rpg topic.
Omg.... not this again... not this again!!! AHhh!!
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jan 6 2006, 12:46 AM)
No, there isn't a large enough RP crowd.
omg mini! you stole my words!! omg copyright!! your goin to jail now!!!
You hit the jackpot nano_! Ding ding ding! Buzz buzz buzz!
*gives nano_ a huge stock of cookies of all varieties*
I guess you can say, "at least one of each kind."
What will you do with all those cookies?
Do i get a cookie?
Omgz! I thought you said you wanted a cookie meaning a cookie of every kind. Besides, I don't know what kind of cookies you like anyway.
Ding ding ding, buzz buzz buzz!
The topic lock light went on.
I think we have an answer here.