Is there a data input for 'Total Posts of Forum' or something along those lines? I'm trying to figure something out for sheer curiosity.
Uh, there's output. And its at the bottom of the index.
"Our members have made a total of 374,246 posts". Well. That obviously went up with this post.
Okay. Thank you (I was trying to think of the math thingy [curse you horrible memory, I should know this term] to figure out % of total posts)
Never thought I'd see a table called solely 'm'. I suppose it's convenient when you're typing out the queries a lot, but still, that would irk my obsessive compulsive SO much!
m.$variable are the settings that you have placed for this board. You can tell this by the "FROM ibf_members m WHERE"
ibf_members being the members database, 1031 being your membed ID. All the other things are what the name says. It's what keeps SeN always featuring the settings that you have selected and for each individual member.