QUOTE(manchild92492 @ Jan 7 2006, 06:40 PM)
wth im so confused, im used to that as campaign maker
some1 said something about dling staredit i dunno im lost
how can i make it where you can have more than an upgrade max of 3?
Don't be a newb
QUOTE(Mp)Cloud @ Jan 9 2006, 08:41 AM)
*hides in his corner so syphon and voy cant get him*
QUOTE(manchild92492 @ Jan 9 2006, 03:48 PM)
nice to know every1 here is high
so are the 'editors' like the crap the Oo.Vic.oO n TriX n people use?
btw, which editor is the best since there is like 7 (im looking between the xtra thing and the stargate because of the 15k and 19k dls =D )
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Jan 9 2006, 03:50 PM)
X-Tra Editor is best if you're a beginning mapper. It's similar to the original StarEdit.
SCMDraft2 is a good editor with many more features. It's generally more stable and bug-free than StarForge.
StarForge is an editor I'd reccomend for advanced mappers. It has a few bugs, but it does a few more things than SCMDraft2.
Only thnig Starforge has going is brushes.
QUOTE(Jay_Tizzle @ Jan 9 2006, 06:07 PM)
Beware of Syphon's religion - Syphonism
Bware of Voy's religion - Eggalism