It seems you have a plan for every topic to be closed.. sorry but, you don't decide.
I personally think Kame did a good job moderating, bug her to become one again.

I have some beef with mods who decide not to say anything when they add to someones warn level too. It kind of defeats the purpose of warn.... also when they don't bother to give a link to the offending post. You know who you are.
Screen shot please? You can post it here if you like.
FireKame (now Kame da Sniper) did not send me PMs to tell me if my warn had increased, and in the screen I was given a few weeks ago she did not provide a link to the offending incident either. I have no way of know what I did wrong. I thought it might have been from my posts in the "Gays vs Christians" thread, but the warn was given after I had made posts there, and if memory serves (I'm not sure, I appologise in advance if I'm mistaken), she had made a post, furthur qualifying that she had seen it a day before she gave me the warn.
QUOTE(Kame @ Jul 9 2005, 03:11 PM)
When I first started being a moderator, literally the first day on the job, I told a guy when I had warned him what he had done and that I had raised his level. Immidiatly after, he got all angry, if it was over PM I wouldn't have minded, but he'd start topics about "OMG I GOT WARNED BY A GIRL!!" thanks to the admins, he was done away with, since it was repeated spamming and flaming. Later, one of the people with more expierence than me told me that it wasn't a good idea to tell people when they are warned, because it creates problems like that.
[no names mentioned so I don't get anyone in trouble or make it look like I'm pointing my finger]
I see your point though. I'll tell you when I warn you, unless an admin has a problem with that. Deal?

QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Jul 10 2005, 02:03 PM)
You forgot the most important reason to ban him. It's sexist. If you're including sexism in the catagory of flamming you're proving how vague you are.
Confrontations are a part of life. At work, at home, with friends. Ignoring it is kinda pathetic. If the theory here, is that if someone breaks the rules, they're not worthy of the site, fine. But different moderators have diffrent policies, so it messes up the whole system.
What on Earth made you think that would be a good thing to say?
That's from only four out of the fifteen pages of that thread. Other people besides Temp said anything.