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Staredit Network -> StarCraft Editing Related -> One more before I go-anyone interested
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-07 at 20:35:34
Hey ppl,
I don’t usually post here. I’m usually at blizzfourms, but I decided to see if anyone was interested over here.

I am a LOTR buff. LOTR=lord of the rings. I love how ppl have made starcraft lotr map, but all of them are the same.

What I want to do is excel to the next level of lotr based StarCraft maps. I already have so many ideas never seen before in any other map. This map will take starcraft lotr maps to the next level.

I am an extremely skilled trigger guy but I am not so skilled in creating the map.

This post is to discuss ideas for new ideas to go along with the regular lotr maps. And to see if anyone would be interested in helping in this maps development.

*I would like for the person that will be helping me to have AIM and an email address so communication will not be a negative factor. Not having aim or not wanting to get aim is not an excuse since it’s free. I need a person that is skilled in making maps to help me. Accuracy is the key. I have plenty of lotr maps for reference. I even bought a book showing every place in middle earth in depth. In helping me you will have credit in making this map.

I will be in charge of placing the starting buildings and units however if you wish you may help with this. I will name the units, trigger, assigning unit settings which include hp, shield, ect. You may help with color with the names. And finally I will create the briefing; you may help with this if you wish to.

The map will be focusing on the southern part of middle earth. This is due to most of the events taking place in the southern half.

The setting will be in the 3rd age.

The forces are:
Forces of Good
Forces of Evil

I am also looking for someone that can take a sound or someone speaking out of the lotr movie and make it into a wav file. If you can do this please respond and I will tell you what I need.

This map will have traits from the regular versions of lotr maps and have revolutionary ideas that will be standard when thinking of lotr maps in the future.

If you are interested in helping out in any way listed above. Tell me what you are interested in and I will talk with you on AIM and email.

Again, I am looking for a person that can make a very accurate map. I also need, a person that can take a sound from a lotr movie. Then make it into a wav file to be placed on the map.

Thanks for any ideas that you may have and I look forward to working and talking with the map creator I am looking for.


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-01-07 at 20:37:14
This should probably be in Freelancers. Sounds cool, man. Good luck with it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2006-01-07 at 20:37:23
>Moved to Freelancers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by justin_grant on 2006-01-07 at 21:20:52
huh... you said moved to free lancers but it aint moved while im reading... owell. lll, you shouldn't be demanding of aim and email... Owell, dont want to spam. This sounds like a great idea, I only read 3/4 of it though... I would help but I don't have/ don't wanna get aim.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-07 at 21:40:31
Well, aim is free. Why wouldnt you get it? I guess eamil would be fine but it would be easier to use aim.

Can anyone help me out with the wav file?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by justin_grant on 2006-01-08 at 03:31:38
A lot of people just dont want an aim. I personally dont want it because I just dont want to get something Ill use just while making a map, then ditch it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-08 at 12:31:13
Ok aim is not necessary. Is anyone interested now?

Justin grant you said that you would help? Now that you dont need aim to help out what area would you help in?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by justin_grant on 2006-01-08 at 18:12:54
dunno, lol. I suck at terrain, so scratch that out... I can help in triggers, but not do all of em.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-08 at 20:32:27
well we dont need anything done with triggers I am ver capable of doing them there is little I dont know how to do with triggers.

What I really need is someone thats skilled at making terrain. Anyone here know any good terrain makers that might be willing to help?

Also I need someone able to take a sound from a movie and make a wav to be put into the game. Any help will be credited.

Anyone interested?

Or anyone know anyone really good at making terrain?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by justin_grant on 2006-01-08 at 20:56:23
What movie? I can help get lots of sounds! tell me what movie, what scene, and then Ill find a recording thing and put it on my comp.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Elrohir on 2006-01-08 at 23:11:49
Im pretty good at terrain but alas, I already agreed to help somebody else a few days ago. But there is already a lotr wav. on the download database if you didnt know. Just curious but what are you going to do to take lotr maps to the next level?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-09 at 00:13:51
The sound I want is from the lotr movies where sauron/sauron's eye says "I see you"

If you could make that I would be extremely greatful.

Hey Elrohir
I have found alot of things in the lotr games that could be better and cool new spects that will make the game more interesting and more stretegic. It will be like a pro version of the lotr based games. (not for noobs to the lotr based games) noobs will be able to figure it out but it might be a challege.

I dont want to give away to much but
For example the wav im asking for will be put into the game "Frodo will be a ghost capable of cloacking for 5 sec. before the wave hits Sauron "I see you" which causes frodo to decloack aka take of the ring and (the person that is mordor) in the mini map a ping will hit showing where frodo is currently. Some times cloacking frodo is a must so that he may get away saftly or is attacking a building and doesnt want to show if possible where he is.

Also a really new aspect to the game is something what I call "called black out" I dont want to reveal to much but it will make the game more strategic in curtain areas. Hint there is a reason that the game can only hold 5 ppl out of 8. There is many more aspects that will be shown in the map. Youll just have to wait and see. What I am going for is very accuate land and very strategic while showing you what makes lotr one of the best games on and revolutionary concepts and ideas never seen before.

This post is to ask for help with terrain and also ask the community for any ideas they have that would be cool in making this map. One of the reasons I ask for help in making the terrain is if i am not doing the terrain I can then focus more on the triggers and game aspects and production time will be decreased drasticly.

Any imput or any help would be helpful.
This is gana be huge

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Elrohir on 2006-01-09 at 00:27:21
Well as I dont have time to do a full terrain I could always help you out on little parts of extended terrain. (IE mountains, towers, etc..)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-09 at 15:38:11
Thanks but I really need someone full time. Depending on what the person wants to do He could either make realisitic mountains using starForge or use Extra editor and make mountins using high ground.

If you know anyone good at making terrain send them a PM and a link to this post.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by justin_grant on 2006-01-09 at 23:47:53
Ok, Ill get you the sound... but break is over so I dont have as much time... What lotr movie is it on?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by lll on 2006-01-10 at 13:11:48
ya that would be great! I think its in all 3 movies but I think its in the 1st the most
its when frodo puts on the one ring and you hear saurons voice "I see you" this is what I want
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ryu on 2006-01-26 at 19:02:55
i have sound wavs from the movie, aim, and have a very good understanding of map making/ making it "fun", i'm also farley good at terrian, i would be more then happy to help ya out with this if ur still looking for it. sounds like it can be a fun map...i'm quite teird of all the hero war maps for lotr....(were u take 1 hero and kill every single thing lol)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Weed-4-me on 2006-01-26 at 21:35:23
this seems cool.. good luck with it
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