Nice little alternative to the average LT game, right?
Me, being a terran player, makes me feel like taking a shiz when I see this map.
Everything about it makes me get pissed.
1: The map design. Not too bad, but 8 expansions. for 4 players. The last couple of 2v2's that I played on it, we seriously ran out of expansions. And first time I played, I couldn't find my 2nd me noob, but it isn't that obvious.
2: Build space. Terran = Depots. Depot = 2x3. Pylon = 2x2 Ovie = point made.
The whole middle of the crevices...CREVICES...I can't build on it. Why do I hate this? 1: My main isn't all that big, and 2: My main terran strat. Tank, rine, medic, etc, and TURRETS. NO TURRET BUILDING. Hm...Good luck with that.
3: No ridges. Ok, ok, I can deal with this. Your base is on highground, but that can help all races. Ok, that's fine. But when you don't even let me get tank/turret in the mid of map...I need to take a shiz again.
All anti-terran, and no room, and no reason for me to constant scv (instinct) when all the exps are mined out. And my shizty ally asks for one of the exps I just secured.
I hear it's better 1v1. Not like I would know, the only people that host maps besides lt or fastest or other garbage close to the latter, are hosting a map like this, which I admire them doing at all, but "2v2 luna!". And again, they're all 5 minute build order players...but that's ok, because it's another free win. Anyway, my point was how the map is anti-terran...and probably anti all the other races, but I really don't care about them
But please. Not this map. I'd rather play on Mercury first.
Ok ok, not really. But i'd play LT instead. (and that's saying something)