Yoshi, i have an idea which you could do, for the sen forum.
Its a really easy thing to do and don't take anytime at all.
What it is:
When someone asks for help with a trigger. and say anyone comes and solves the problem, what you or the other admin or staff can do is edit the topic name and put [s] = solved.
This can be used for anything.
What the staff or admin can do when they solved a problem:
[s] = solved
What members can do they place these before the topic name:
[Y] = Needs yoshi's Help ASAP
Topic: I need help
Person: I need help it Blah blah
Person2: ok you do this
After mike reads:
Topic: [S]I need help
Yoshi or any staff once read the topic and seen its been solved will read/edit the topic name and put [S] before the name, This way other New people asking same thing know it has been asked and solved
Hope you understand what i mean, I can't explain thnigs very well.
Sounds interesting, it would reduce the amount of n00bish questions
Sounds good, but the challenge is getting people to actually do that.
True true, Wroth a shote.
i will start doing that lol. yoshi prepare!!
Not bad. I can easily modify the existing ones all to [s], assuming they've all been solved.
but what if everyone put a [Y] and ergo they must ALL need yoshi's help ASAP, that's a bit of work...
imagine yoshi tending to topics like a teacher with kindergarteners
Just the [s] idea sounds good.