I just received a new PM, so I read it. The red "You have a new PM" thing stayed there each time I went to a new page, when it usually goes away after you read it. I deleted that, and now a PM that I read a week ago from Moose popped up. I deleted THAT one and now the one below that is now popping up (from like 2 weeks ago, received before Moose's) I installed the 1.5 firefox like 3 days ago, does that have anything to do with it?
Don't reply if you don't know what your talking about and don't post in here just for the minerals / post *cough.*
EDIT: Urgh, this is so weird! I go back to the website/feedback forums, and it said that my topic was not even read! It had the green box to go to the latest post when I just posted the topic, cookie problems I assume?
EDIT2: Now when I go to the main board index:
0 guests, 1 members 0 anonymous members
, and 1 member using Firefox.
[Firefox] Merrell
It also says that the last post was in the thread below this one in the main index.
Did I die?!