I may be Greek, and English is my second language, there are a growing amount of people who tend to speak like a lower form of society or 'Gaheadga' [12 year old AOL'er] which leads to a difficult discussion, such as those who cut corners when posting. This is a forum, not an instant message, you are never pressured to answer as soon as possible, nor are you required to. If we're not going to enforce some grammar rules, at least put in a minimum.
I hate to say it, but the grammar in this forum is much more superior to what you see in other forums. You can't mess with the spell check anyway.
I'll add an entry to the rules topic to check your spelling & grammar and try not to talk 1337 or whatever.
However, if someone is a little bit lax on their grammar but it sounds okay, then I don't care. We're map makers not english majors

Grammar and Spelling is good practise for map making. Thanks for the suggestion.
I agree with Pinecone, and with Yoshi. I have lurked in about 45 forums(not all at once!)LOL I have no life) and most of the time it is EXTREMELY sub-par to other forums, like this one. Sometimes though, I see people say stuff like "Lern tu spel! I kno undarstnd joo bad gramer!" First off, I often re-read the post the person was

ing about, and it ends up being very understandable with a few spelling mistakes. And often enough those people make spelling mistakes themselves, so I don't see what the fuss is all about.
However, I agree, good grammar in a map goes a
very long way. It's so simple to have it spell checked or even proof-read by someone. Copy/Paste into a text editor like MSWord or WordPerfect. Those programs have excellent spell check capabilities. If you don't have anything with spell check, use this forum! You don't have to post, just use the spell check.
And all will be good!
EDIT: Boo! no more HTML? Boo!!!!
Evil... We're not 'Gaheadga'. Yes some of us are a little on the side of bad grammar; we're not english majors like Yoshi said. Most of us have Great grammar on these forums. Some a little then others...
But you should make a little requirment.
-.-; i think pinecone's implying me, a typical new york yankee, y'all.
lol actually i'm not even american but the smartest kids in my class (like me, yo) aren't either. there IS this kid who's one year older, but two grades higher, cuz he skipped a grade. i'm gonna say "cuz" cuz it's easier to type than "because". overall, pinecone, deal with it, and feel lucky you can at least comprehend half what i'm saying because (ha i typed it out all the way) like the previous posts... this really isn't dictionary.com
It's not often I agree with Pinecone, but this is one thing on which I do. If you're not a native English speaker, then I can understand. But if you're some lazy ass who's too lazy to type out "you" and puts u, then that's really stupid. Especially on a forum. Forum posting isn't a speed-typing competetion. Even so, two or three extra letters is only going to take another few tenths of a second. If you can't even speak your own language, you're definitely not getting as much respect out of me as someone who puts a few extra seconds into typing the extra letters and quickly skims over his post for major errors.
QUOTE(Pinecone @ Jun 6 2004, 04:42 PM)
I may be Greek, and English is my second language, there are a growing amount of people who tend to speak like a lower form of society or 'Gaheadga' [12 year old AOL'er] which leads to a difficult discussion, such as those who cut corners when posting. This is a forum, not an instant message, you are never pressured to answer as soon as possible, nor are you required to. If we're not going to enforce some grammar rules, at least put in a minimum.
I hate to be a

pinecone, but you have so many friggin comma splices in this statement. Perhaps you should do as you preach. Actually, a bit of revising would make this much more coherent. Why not phrase it like this:
I may be Greek with English as a second language, but there are a growing amount of people who tend to peak like a lower for of society, also known as "Gaheadga" (a 12 year old AOL'er). Members who act like this appear to cut corners when posting. This is a forum; not an instant message conversation. You are never pressured to answer as soon as possible, nor are you required to. If the forum administrators and moderators are not going to enforce some grammar rules, at least put in a minimum.
I hope this lesson helped. Next week's lesson: how to properly address your superiors

Joe: I need help with Staredit because its doing... <insert explaination>
Bob: u r no goood k? gg l8r lollolololoololol!!11!!oneone!11!!!!
Lesson: These is not your typical forums. Please talk proper english, we do not allow: Foreign Languages, Heavy 1337, and excessive shortforms. Everyone DOES make mistakes though, and the casual grammar mistake and spelling error is fine. We're only human (except for administrators)
The spell check sucks, it improperly "checks" words with "sen" as the first three letters. It also has little mistakes like saying that "I'm" is wrong, etc...
Yes, I do agree that you should at least have some degree of spelling, grammar, etc... This is because not only does it make it easier to understand for other people, but it makes you look more professional.
Seriously, as stated numerous times before, it's a forum. Nobody encourages you to even reply, so if you choose to, contribute something coherent.
The spelling check system isn't perfect I know. However, its a feature that you dont see anywhere else because of its lack of stability.
How bad do you guys think my grammar is?
Only if could sacrafice my mapmaking skills for grammar skills. I could then speak with the best of you. Muhahahah!
Me speling no bade it goder thaen yours guy lol I some times go wht or use u instead of you but if you can understand them its good.But this is annoying
Poster:Ye i was wonderin if i shold makee a mape abou monkys or not
thats annoying
heh, talk about HORRIBLE SPELLING!!
A rcenet sudty at a wlel konwn isnutite has dcosivred taht if you keep the frist and lsat ltteres of a wrod in the smae sopt, but jmulbe the ohetr lterets anurod, msot polpee wlil siltl be albe to ceremhonpd waht is witertn.
Does anyone know what it says? hehe. You should(at least if you are very good in english)
I'm able to read it pretty easy. And im not good at english.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jun 6 2004, 04:36 PM)
It's not often I agree with Pinecone, but this is one thing on which I do. If you're not a native English speaker, then I can understand. But if you're some lazy ass who's too lazy to type out "you" and puts u, then that's really stupid. Especially on a forum. Forum posting isn't a speed-typing competetion. Even so, two or three extra letters is only going to take another few tenths of a second. If you can't even speak your own language, you're definitely not getting as much respect out of me as someone who puts a few extra seconds into typing the extra letters and quickly skims over his post for major errors.
I agree with MM. Very much so.
And I could understand what it said.(EDIT: Referring to Valahan's post)
Forums need to be more strict about using proper English. Besides, it might encourage people on B.Net to use proper English. Which would mean that people would do stupid things like banning me for "talking right".
And anyways, (excepting anyone whose first language is not English)if a 12-year old has fewer mistakes in his post then you do, then that's sad.
Well, theres already a new rule extention in place for this.
Now we dont allow other languages, heavy 1337, or excessive shortforms.
Don't look now guys, your english mark is about to go up.