June 6th, 1944

You are about to embark upon the great crusade. A new normandy map that is accurate!!! This map was intended for the entire normandy invasion, but as the map progressed it was decided to be changed into a two part map series. The first part being the American stories. The map has accurate normandy terrian, and finally (get ready for it) Hedgerows!
Map Makers:
TheDaddy0420(formally known as STARS-Chris)
-Ideas 100%-Common sense unit designs, e.i. marine=Allied infantry [Thompson]
-New sandbag bunker system, lurker+3 ves. sacks.
-Map designs cause new stratagies to be revealed
-Multiple 102mm artillary pieces must be taken out to stop the shelling of the invasion beachs(thats where ze airborne comes in!)
-Bunker system standard (Shoot the floor trap to kill bunker)
-Ambient Band of Brothers theme in low volume playing for dramatic WW2 feel.
-In certian situations battle music will play.
-More ideas to come!!!
-Terrain 99.9%-Realistic beachs
-Accurate/real town placement
-The works! Looks exactly like normandy
-Triggers 20%-Trailer to be released soon.
-Bunker systems complete
-City capture system complete
-Spawns in progress
-Players-2 Computer controled AI
-6 Human players
-Allied - 101st+82nd AirBorne(all one player), 4th Infantry Div., 1st Infantry div.
-Axis - Infantry, Tanks, SS/Air(don't know if we may have a few plaes or not)
-Map tileset-Jungle
-Map size-256x256
Storyline / Introduction
-Allies: You will have specific missions in game based upon what player you are. Airborne will have mostly missions that have them taking bridges and destroying Artillary pieces to help the allies off the beach. Utah beach will have the assistance of nearby Airborne to help get off the beach and take towns. Omaha beach is a different story.... Its large, long, and alone.
-Axis: Your primary mission is to, of course, defend the beach head, crush the foolish Airborne, wait for the Panzer divisions to arrive and basically hold out until timer expires.
-Hedgerow fighting
-Historical conflicts
-Realistic terrian
-Believe-able battles
-Player Interface-Players will have an inventory in order to buy special units, or more regular units.(ex, engineers for Omaha beach)
-Player's units will spawn every so often with computer AI to help.
-Optional artillary/naval bombardment strikes available
-Pretty straight forward
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?-One word: Hedgerows
Screenshots / Demo
The Longest Day Trailer - Click here
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