he showed it to me..... PWNZORED
dont feel bad....i played arguabley my worst game on it today.
he dropped tanks in my own crescent like 7 minutes in, sieged me from the side of my base....and he got like 4 wraiths which sadly, since i didnt have gol yet, took out my tanks/ few marines/meds....
i shiz on myself. and didnt save the replay because i was feeling an apm of ~ 40 that game...ugh.....
i suck at tvt.
and i suck worse at tvt on a map such as this. Good map overall, but does the same thing i didnt like about hawkeye....you can siege the whole sides on that one too. But done professionally, and adds to a new level of gameplay, and i like the 'build your base a bit away from your cc' concept.