WWII - The Fictional Wars
As a young male, the story begins as you are riding a recruitment bus to a recruiting office, somewhere on an island base in the Atlantic, near Europe.
The standard stuff, sign up, find a good bunk that youll be sleeping on for the next few months, nothing new there. Follow through boot camp, and eventually you'll be ready to take on Germany and the Nazis.
The game is set on multipul maps, each packed with features to defeat the nazis and win the war. The battlefields are ALL fictional, hence WWII - The Fictional Wars. The first map is boot camp (5% complete) followed by the mission maps that youll be undertaking. Each new mission area (Not one little mission) will be set on the next map in the set.
-= Boot Camp =-
Terrain [progress]75[/progress]
Triggers [progress]4[/progress]
Ideas/Planning [progress]55[/progress]
Breifing [progress]0[/progress]
Sounds/Music [progress]17[/progress]
-= Mission One: Landing In Germany =-
Terrain [progress]0[/progress]
Triggers [progress]0[/progress]
Ideas/Planning [progress]23[/progress]
Breifing [progress]0[/progress]
Sounds/Music [progress]0[/progress]
Screen Shots
None! O_O Must make more into the game to get them.
Known Features
- In game HUD displaying the following: Gun 1 and 2, current aiming mode, ammo in selected gun, clips for selected gun/loose ammo for selected gun, HP and Armor remaining, and In game messages.
- Inventory of 2 Guns at a time.
- Health pack/etc inventory.
- Virtual HP system.
- "Ringing effect" should you get shot by a Flak battery.
- Armor, and cover taking, GREATLY reducing the risk of taking direct damage.
- In game codes, for cheats and story positions. (Cheats will be: Infinite ammo, gernades, HP, Armor, Medi Paks, Invurnability, God Mode [All of the cheats in one!], Enemies give you vision, ultimate stealth [Unalerted enemies wont hear you!], and Story jumping mode [Allowing you to go anywhere in the map you want.].
- Alert, and unalerted enemies.
- Stealth! Knife those little homos...
- Nifty gernade systems. [I shall NOT say yet how! Cause....Im special.]
- "DVD like" menu, having Start Game, Scene Selection, Special Features [Such as, commentaries, credits and such.] And a few others things.
- Music! That actually loops and does NOT screw with other triggers.
I want to make this as fun and as realistic as possible! Although the map isnt ready for a beta test, I could go for some ideas while im early on. Thanks for any support!