QUOTE(carlsagan43 @ Feb 2 2006, 08:52 PM)
SCXE is still the best since the trigger editor there is the slickest and least buggy. Classic Trigedit is a joke compared to the SCXE one and TrigEdit is also a hopeless excuse for a textbased trigger editor. MB editor is also highly buggy. SCXE takes the cake. no syntax to worry about. I find I actually clcik the mouse more making maps than playing starcraft.
classic trigger editor = scxe
i mostly use noobforge and scmdraft2.
but i use notepad to make my triggers, its much faster than clicking.. by pressing 2 buttons i can do what u do by clicking like 6 times.. and thats by moving the mouse too..
and u gotta move ur hand from mouse to keyboard.. u lose time there too..
notepad is the fastest trigger editor when you know how to use it (always keep ur location names, force name, unit names, comment very very simple.. like 1-2 characters)
QUOTE(SkuLL @ Feb 18 2006, 10:57 AM)
I noticed that Starforge, SCXtra, and SCMDraft are used most often. The others didn't get much votes and I probably never even heard of them until I saw this poll.
GUEdit = old uberation
EDIT: oh i also use uberation..