The "See Results" option before voting in polls is absolutely unnecassary. I saw it before, but I never used it and never knew that you can actually VOTE after you view the tally? That's so stupid! In the SEN survivor, why not just view, and vote whoever has the most votes? Why not just vote the popular vote?
Please, either make it so that you can't vote after you view the results.
Some people do not wish to cast a vote and simply want to view the poll on its own (that's what I do). There's a reason for everything. Sure people cast by popular vote, but who said it was a silent poll (that is what you are asking for). Maybe it could be coded into the next sen who knows. Anyways, those who vote for popular vote are just silly and have no say on their own. They are no better then sheep.
yea but then again, wats the point of having it?!
its a null forum game! whats the big deal? honestly it isnt that bad.
yea but then again, wats the point of having it?!
The point of having it is to allow people to view the results without having to vote before viewing the results. Like I said up there...
And the button is also there so that people who want to vote can do two things:
1) Cast their vote without seeing it (avoiding popular vote).
2) Cast their vote after viewing the results (using popular vote).
Guess what, if you aren't going to vote, you aren't obligated to seeing the results.
Make it selectable when the topic/poll is being created..
That defeats the purpose of voting too.. Vote for who or what you want to vote for, don't base your vote on other's votes.
QUOTE(Mp)Cloud @ Feb 3 2006, 02:54 PM)
its a null forum game! whats the big deal? honestly it isnt that bad.
I'm talking about every poll in general.
Some people do not wish to cast a vote and simply want to view the poll on its own (that's what I do)
No crap. I said that after they view, they SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO VOTE.
It's not hard to understand.
Remove the "see results" and every poll should have an "Abstain" option.
Once you vote Abstain, it will be counted towards the poll on the Abstain option.
Abstain simpley means you are not sure and want to go head and view the results.
Why should they be unable to vote? I don't see the rationality in that.
Why should you disable someone from casting a vote dependant on popular vote?
Besides, many of the votes that occur in polls usually exist in the null. Most other ones are for other purposes. In fact, most polls have no point whatsoever. Why would it be so important to make polls so secure? I would understand if it were some sort of important kind of tournament or contest of some sort, but then again those kinds of things are not presented in polls very often.
Besides, most polls in the null are based on popular opinion for the reason that most people who post in the polls are rooting for certain people and encourage them to vote as well.
There's nothing that will stop popular vote. If you restrict people from viewing the poll, people will just ask others what the poll is currently at and then make a vote depending on that information. What prevents you from posting the current poll results in the forum thread itself?
Changing a poll mechanism will do little to prevent "bandwagon" voting. It can still be easily coordinated via private message or shoutbox, or any other means. Propaganda is easy. And really, in almost every other poll besides SEN Survivor, there's no point in voting for "what's popular." I look at the results of polls before voting all the time. What difference does it make?
Way to hit the nail on it's head Arbitrary.
Remove the "see results" and every poll should have an "Abstain" option.
Once you vote Abstain, it will be counted towards the poll on the Abstain option.
Abstain simpley means you are not sure and want to go head and view the results.
See? If you added that option it would bring about complications and not only that but it would cause people to become frustrated with the whole polling system and not post a poll at all. Also, if you added that feature what would be the point of voting in a secondary poll within the first one? Why abstain option...
In other words, it just makes the whole situation that much more complicated then it should be, which is a point and click kinda dealy.
QUOTE(Merrell @ Feb 3 2006, 08:44 PM)
I'm talking about every poll in general.
oh, okey well then. im agreeing more now. most polls people view and just vote with majurity. i do it on some polls. but most polls i see i like to give me own opinion(mainly becuz im seeing poll's like "WHO OWNZORZ! T3H RIKU OR ASHE!?")
but ya actually it really should be removed.
Try looking in Lite or Serious Discussion, then. If all you see are Null polls then you shouldn't have much of a say in this.
Wouldn't people complain that you cannot see the poll? Wouldn't people just vote randomly and blindly just to see the results?
Wouldn't the world at sen be a worser place if this option was removed? Think about all the consipracy that would go underground if it were removed. Think.
QUOTE(Arbitrary @ Feb 3 2006, 09:12 PM)
Try looking in Lite or Serious Discussion, then. If all you see are Null polls then you shouldn't have much of a say in this.
i used that null poll as an example of polls. here ill give another example
in serious discussion DTBK's new poll of the week, i voted yes without even looking at the results. mainly becuz i dont like bush but ya...i still didnt look
I say keep the button.
All the reasons have already been listed above.
People can easily choose popular vote by other means, namely shoutbox or IM. Your way will simply be annoying to half of SEN's members, it won't make any large change to how these things work, and it will mean some deleting on IP/Mooses part (not a lot, though.).
Keep it! Example, I didn't vote in map spotlight poll but I viewed the results like 10 times to see how it's going.
Add an abstain option to every poll automatically.
Exactly what I said.
Red2blue, READ MY POST.
I said add an abstain option so it will vote that. That won't cause any harm.
Sometimes seeing what people are voting for in a poll helps you to understand the question...
I did read it and I did respond to the abstain. Please read
my [snapback]419664[/snapback] posts Merrell (Sorry, couldn't make the snapback work, post #11).
QUOTE(Red2Blue @ Feb 3 2006, 02:48 PM)
Why should they be unable to vote? I don't see the rationality in that.
Why should you disable someone from casting a vote dependant on popular vote?
Besides, many of the votes that occur in polls usually exist in the null. Most other ones are for other purposes. In fact, most polls have no point whatsoever. Why would it be so important to make polls so secure? I would understand if it were some sort of important kind of tournament or contest of some sort, but then again those kinds of things are not presented in polls very often.
Besides, most polls in the null are based on popular opinion for the reason that most people who post in the polls are rooting for certain people and encourage them to vote as well.
There's nothing that will stop popular vote. If you restrict people from viewing the poll, people will just ask others what the poll is currently at and then make a vote depending on that information. What prevents you from posting the current poll results in the forum thread itself?
The point of it is to discourage popular vote. Just get rid of the choice to vote after you've viewed results and that's one less way to discourage bandwagon voting. You ask that they'll come up with other ways, but if so, one less way is always better then nothing. It's like asking why do we try to stop crime if it's bound to happen?
Crime still happens as its already been said.
There's ways to avoid the lock.
HIdden paths were there are seemingly not.
Yes, I agree with Merell on this one. Like in SEN survivor we have these "witch hunts" that would not exist if the show results were not there. I agree with this 100%.
QUOTE(Merrell @ Feb 3 2006, 05:58 PM)
Exactly what I said.
Red2blue, READ MY POST.
I said add an abstain option so it will vote that. That won't cause any harm.
Yea, but I used the word abstain.