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Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Stop it guys
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2006-02-02 at 18:43:31
QUIT biznatchING ABOUT HOW THIS SITE IS GOING DOWNHILL IN QUALITY. I'm sure pretty much most everyone is sick about hearing it too.

Besides, why are you guys saying SEN is going downhill? Is it because of what's going on in the Null, Lite, and Serious Discussion Forums? THEN YOU'RE WRONG!

Sure, those forums have considerably gone down in quality (with many reasons why from this thread) but guys, wake the fark up. Ask yourselves this question: What IS this site about? Is it about pointless forum games? Is it about stupid useless debates? Or is it all about biznatching about everything possible thing? Let's see, hmmmm... oh yes! Heard of a game called Starcraft? Yea, that's what this website is about.

Yoshi_da_sniper made this website to form a huge and big map making community. It's dedicated to starcraft and starcraft map making. Look at all these map making forums we've got; map making assistance, map show case, concepts, maps in production, etc... And instead of spending most of ya'lls SEN time in these wonderful forums, you guys choose to spend them in the Null, Lite, and SD discussion forums.

Guys, look at some people's profiles and look at the area labled "Most active in." Notice how more than half the members with large post counts here on SEN have most of their posts made in the Other (Null, LD, SD, etc) forums? It definately means some people do not care enough about Starcraft. So instead of spending most of their participation in map making discussions and/or map making, you guys choose to spend most of your farking time in these absolutely useless unproductive forums. Yea, you heard me, unproductive. Even making maps is something more valuable than wasting your time arguing and doing immature crap.

And by spending most of your free time in those forums, you guys are also killing starcraft. Yes starcraft is an old game where more people are leaving it rather than joining it. You guys don't want starcraft to die do you? You don't want to eventually see only like 10 users everytime you log on don't you? Sure, if you are going to college, or find a better game to play instead of SC, then that's a good excuse to leave SC and map making, but if you are spending less time on SC just because these forums are dragging most of your time, then you are just as guilty. Some say Starcraft is like an addictive drug; you keep coming back for more. Well guess what, so are those Other forums. At least with Starcraft, you can make maps, which does build up your creativity skills. But what kind of skills do you gain from participating in stupid forum games or useless discussions? Maybe some, but for the most part, none.
But guys, if participating in those forums is the primary reason you log onto SEN, then you really need to rethink why you're on this website.

So really, you cannot say that SEN is going downhill, because for the main part it's not. I honestly believed many people are leaving this site for the wrong reasons, including Yoshi_da_Sniper. They left because of the actions made by members mostly in the Non-Starcraft related topics and issues. "All the mature people have left, too many immature members are flooding our website," those aren't excuses for leaving a starcraft map making website. Sure you can leave the forums in which you find really bad, but don't leave the whole website just because of that. I'm sure every one of you guys still have an interest for starcraft. Maybe instead of leaving the site period, try participating more in the map making forums, or even start trying new things like making maps or finding new innovations and stuff.

Now I'm not sure about what's going on in the map making forums since I did fall victim to the other forums, but I'm pretty sure the quality hasn't gone that far down, but really, SEN has prospered over time and it is still prospering even to this very day.

Look at our Downloads Database, look at how many files and maps we have. Lots of them have really cool stuff to them and can be really fun to play. Compare many of these maps with maps that were made in the past; these maps are really outstanding. Look at our Tutorials Section, you can find lots of tutorials which can answer many people's map making questions. Now an ordinary map maker can learn how to do cool nifty tricks and increase their map making skills.

Look at the cool programs people have made, SEN is how the host to some of the greatest programs people have made such as Uberation and Trigger Viewer. Even to this very day, these programs keep on getting better and better. Now we have some of the best and most reliable map making resources ever to have existed in this starcraft universe.

Oh and look what SEN has done with Starcraft. With the discovery of EUDs, we now have the full attention of blizzard. Even though we find the constant flow of patches rather annoying, but the point is that blizzard is starting to care about starcraft all because of SEN.

The skills of many map makers, including me, have increased considerably all because of SEN's resources. Almost every week or so, some new map, new programs, new tutorials, new techniques, new updates, or new anything comes out on SEN and things just keep on getting better and better. SEN is now the host to some of the world's best UMS map makers. And we can help make it even better by getting more and more people to participate instead of visiting the Null, LD, and SD forums.

So guys, don't ever say SEN is going downhill, because it's not completely true. Whatever is going on in some forums like Null, LD, and SD does not matter and does not determine the overall quality of SEN. Go ahead and say that the Other forum categories are going down, because as many have reason why, it probably is. If you truly have a problem with what's going on in those forums, leave them and instead move on to the map making world.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-02-02 at 18:46:58
I think I love you, MA.

Beautiful post. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2006-02-02 at 18:51:14
Syphon summed up my feelings about that. SeN is, and forever will be a dominating SC site.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cloud on 2006-02-02 at 20:24:32
understandable. i gotta say sometimes its hard to have discussions on map making when theres nothing to really talk about in them. and usually the people that post are usually spamming the topic. other then that i just wanna say your post was too long tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2006-02-02 at 20:58:03
Kame never had anything to do with any of the Starcraft aspects of the site and she is one of SEN's most beloved and respected members. I don't think it's (all) participation, it's more the members overall maturity, communication, friendship and trust.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zombie on 2006-02-02 at 21:07:01
QUOTE(Syphon @ Feb 2 2006, 04:46 PM)
I think I love you, MA.

Beautiful post.  happy.gif


she is one of SEN's most beloved and respected members.

*Blood_Rayne_Lover cough "BS" cough

Id like to say to all the people that go around saying the site is going down hill.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2006-02-02 at 21:12:20
The life of a human is like this:
You grow up as a child, learning constantly and fixing mistakes. Soon, you hit your peak age and life is great. Then you get older and life starts to decline. Then you die.

The life of SEN is similar:
It grew up without much, then came traffic. Later, SEN hit its peak with an amazing community and new additions every so often. Then it started to decline. We are at that phase. You should be able to guess what comes next. Sooner or later, SEN will no longer be around for people to complain about.

I am not saying the site is going to die.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-02-02 at 21:14:56
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Feb 2 2006, 06:43 PM)
Besides, why are you guys saying SEN is going downhill? Is it because of what's going on in the Null, Lite, and Serious Discussion Forums? THEN YOU'RE WRONG!

And instead of spending most of ya'lls SEN time in these wonderful forums, you guys choose to spend them in the Null, Lite, and SD discussion forums.

Is it just me or do these two parts completely contradict each other?

It definately means some people do not care enough about Starcraft.

Or it means you can only spam "This map looks cool" so many times. You're also saying a lot of stuff as if we completely forgot that SEN had anything to do with starcraft. Wait a minute, i'm recieving a photo from a reporter in SEN:
user posted image
Wow, look at that. I seems that people acutally do post in that fourm!

<A bunch of otehre stuff>

You also say (And act) as if everyone made maps then they wouldn't be aholes anymore? How are those two related at all. If everyone justs posts in map making fourm the website would DIE. Yeah making maps is cool and it is the main point of the site but it is a COMMUNITY. People learn to get to know each other on their views and what they think about on certain topics. And if you think that Yoshi made the site ONLY to have people make maps and talk about maps (ONLY!!) then please find me a single quote that says that very blanantly. I'm sure making a good map making place was a first intention of the site, but maybe at some point he thought it'd be really great if everyone could be friends and talk about anything they wanted on the fourm. Of course I can't find a quote like that either. However I'm almost 100% sure that all those other fourms were made so people could get to know their friends better, not to make retarded fourm games and have people flame each other. The problem is that people don't want to know about each other anymore they just want to piss someone off.

I'm 85% sure I'm going to get some violent threat directed towards me after this post.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2006-02-02 at 21:30:42
Even making maps is something more valuable than wasting your time arguing and doing immature crap.

I really don't understand how you can say "even making maps" is more valuable, are you suggesting that making maps is pointless unless compared to posting in the other forums?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 21:31:32
MA, you say SEN's not going downhill because of the Null, LD, and SD forums, but then you point out over half of SEN posts there more than everywhere else.
SC is dying, and it isn't very fun anymore. Mainly because it gets old after the 8th year you've been playing it. There is no changing the fact, us posting in the map making forum when we know nothing about maps isn't going to change it either.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2006-02-02 at 21:38:27
Starcraft "dying" isn't a viable reason for SEN's downfall in quality. Starcraft has been dying for a long time now, but apparently it has only started to affect SEN now?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-02-02 at 21:41:28
Thank you, MA. I could not have put it better. You don't see much of me in the topics that deal with the "decline" of SEN, and I'll tell you why. It's because I'm sick of this apathetic shiz. Just because the people that started it aren't around so much doesn't mean SEN is DYING. How can it be dying when it grows so fast? I'll believe it's dying when people stop joining.

The senior class of most highschools (the students who care about the school) usually say that the school isn't what it used to be, but that's just because their stint there is reaching it's end. The freshman class has plenty of time to have fun there and create memories and milestones of their own.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 21:50:29
QUOTE(Ultimo @ Feb 2 2006, 10:38 PM)
Starcraft "dying" isn't a viable reason for SEN's downfall in quality. Starcraft has been dying for a long time now, but apparently it has only started to affect SEN now?

It is too, because this is a Starcraft map making site. It hasn't effected us just now, it's just after all this time, so many people are leaving. It's not going to be an instant thing.

And Doodan, I think when people refer to dying, they mean the quality of members is going down. That might be because we aren't getting enough quality members or the quality members that we started with have left.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-02-02 at 22:00:36
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 09:50 PM)
It is too, because this is a Starcraft map making site. It hasn't effected us just now, it's just after all this time, so many people are leaving. It's not going to be an instant thing.

And Doodan, I think when people refer to dying, they mean the quality of members is going down. That might be because we aren't getting enough quality members or the quality members that we started with have left.

I remember quite vividly that people were griping about SEN dying even around the time when we joined. I think it has A LOT to do with the apathetic moods of the members.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 22:04:31
Then they should realize that SEN is going to say at it's peak forever.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ultimo on 2006-02-02 at 22:08:23
People need something to complain about, it's human nature. And it's true, people have always been complaining about the "quality downfall" of SEN for quite sometime, what's so different about now?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-02-02 at 22:16:38
people in here think its a joke.
they want attention but there not going to have it.
i think there the global mods needs to ban the people that flames and spams immediatly. that would get rid of all the trouble.

in clan forums... we can do that since we can block the users and not everyone in here reads all the clan forums
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-02-02 at 22:18:38
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 10:04 PM)
Then they should realize that SEN is going to say at it's peak forever.

You know that's not what I meant. Nothing lasts forever, but all I'm saying is that the people who gripe constantly about the state of SEN are making it sound much worse than it is.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2006-02-02 at 22:23:45
SEN is going downhill. It's just not as good and fun as it was in the past.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 22:30:48
And I relate that to Starcraft not being as fun as it used to be. Also, Doodan, I think people are overreacting, but what I mean is, at least now, there is a reason to complain with many of the high quality members that set good example leaving. The creator of SEN left too, which doesn't help. Including all the troubles we've had, and all the controversy, such as NR, I think there is a valid reason to complain now.

NOTE: I think SEN is dying, but I don't view it in such a distorted way that I need to complain about it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-02-02 at 22:37:49
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 09:31 PM)
MA, you say SEN's not going downhill because of the Null, LD, and SD forums, but then you point out over half of SEN posts there more than everywhere else.
SC is dying, and it isn't very fun anymore. Mainly because it gets old after the 8th year you've been playing it. There is no changing the fact, us posting in the map making forum when we know nothing about maps isn't going to change it either.

I seem to disagree here, I've played StarCraft everyday for 9 years. And I still look forward to a game. Maybe I don't play like I used to, i'm not as "into" mapping anymore but I still enjoy looking for tricks, besting the newcomers to and pointless arguments with the "OMG YUR A NOOOOOOOOOOOOB NOOB!" guy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 22:40:22
Exactly, you don't play the same as you used to. Maybe that's how it is for a lot of people, and it migh be why SEN's mapmaking interest is going down?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Syphon on 2006-02-02 at 22:44:41
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 10:40 PM)
Exactly, you don't play the same as you used to. Maybe that's how it is for a lot of people, and it migh be why SEN's mapmaking interest is going down?

Actually, I don't play alot anymore because of school. And I have to phase it out of my life for when I lose the internet. Not to mention that no new maps are played pubbies these days. And I grow bored of playing the same defence map over and over and over again. Someone needs to make a really awsome defense map, or a really awsome massing map... If only possible.

Gentlemen, I believe Syphon has found his muse.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-02-02 at 22:49:27
That's what I mean, Starcraft is getting old, and the replayabillity factor is coming to an end, since there is little we can do with this limited map editor!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MindArchon on 2006-02-02 at 23:49:04
QUOTE(Dorkhawk @ Feb 2 2006, 08:49 PM)

They didn't.
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