Because of various reasons, I'm gonna be releasing a new version of SoG RH (SE). After about 2 weeks of gathering information I'm beginning work on it. New things are:
(Things that are done will be like this)
(Free Terran Mech repair, but slower.)
(Heal Unhealable Heros for 500 Minerals)
(Unit Limit (200 Evil, 175 Good))
(Drake Findable Re-hid)
(Name Changes)
(-Herumor will now be Urzahil of Umbar)
(-Fuinur will now be Neegrat, King of Khand)
(-Denethor will now be Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth)
(-Erech will now be Mt. Erech)
(-Aragorn will now be Elessar, King of Gondor)
(Stasis Glitch (Fixed))
(Gate Label Recall Glitch (Fixed))
(Anti Rohan Ledge Trig (No Rohan, No using ledge. Units get transported back to base))
(15 Minute Anti Ring Rush trig (AKA, you ring rush within first 15 mins, Frodo auto dies, ring goes to above Barad, any fellowship unit in Mordor proper will be killed, 500 mineral fine))
(*EDIT* Instead of this, a new anti ring rush has been made. If you try to take Frodo to Mt. Doom before all the defenses around it are gone, then it is no good.)
(Recall cost 5 energy)
(Eowyn and Sam minor stat boost)
(Frodo attack slightly toned down)
(Corsair upgrade damage increase (from 0 to 10 per up)
*EDIT* 0 to 5 per up)
(Castle Counters)
(Improved Spawn System)
Thats all I can remember right now. If I remember anymore I'll update this post.
A special gravesite for Pippin if he dies.
(Yes, this is Demaris )
We will see how much other people think of that one lol.
EUD conditions, once they are recalculated. Things like "Minas Tirith is at half health".
Castle counters would be nice. Maybe make osi, cirith, and riven spawn. But if you do that then definately put in a unit limit. And maybe put dol guldur on a hill, seeing as it is the hill of sorcery...
I'm not sure about some of these changes. Without castle ops, ledge drops, etc., some games could go on forever. We've all had a game of RH where everyone was equally matched and neither side was scoring any hits. Without cheap moves like castle ops, RH could lose its fame and go back to the great discarded harddrive up in the sky.
On the other hand, give Pippin the ability to summon trolls. That's what he does in the movie.
sweet im a fan of seiges. im currently workin on a rpg/war/seige map right now
Err, no gravesite for pippin, and no he may not summon trolls. EUDs could be nice, could do alot of things like the half health warning, so and so is fully upped message maybe, among other things. I doubt osgiliath should spawn, Rivendell maybe but doubtful.
Uhh... A limit of bunkers and turrets and have recall cost energy....
No Offense but I really dont like RHs
How about not making another SoG? The original was the best. There was no need for a RH.
He's making it. Just give suggestions.
I don't care if you don't like random heros, or if you just don't want another map, this thread is for suggestions for the current map, not saying "ya well that map suxorz just dont teh make it" or anything like that.
I have a suggestion dont have RHs
Wow some of you ppl are gay and are spaming. Well depending on how far you would want to take it.
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=25416Im currently not doing it since I am working on another map. But I had alot of new ideas never before seen. The reason I didn't make it was no one would help me with the extended terrain. Which is one of the newer things that would be amazing in a lotr map.
Sauron doesnt have the ring....So why does Mordor have him?
New units. I do like some of the old units from SOG but they could be better. I came up with some really good ideas.
Extended terrain.
Making it more fair--Some of the Mordor units cant even get to what they want to attack without being killed right away. =A little bit more Hp.
One last thing please look at a Mid earth map. Some places dont make any sense at all in your map. For example. Osgiliath doesnt look like that- if you dont believe me please read the book.
Other then that gl
If you want to make a new map and you know of a person that would help with sick extended terrain let me know.
Wow ocean. You alone have the most on topic and worthwile post on this thread. I know the terrain is horrible, I didn't make it, Haldir did. I'de change it but then it could somehow affect gameplay and piss people off. And as for Sauron yea good point you seem to also be one of the few people who realise that. But as it stands he is kind of needed. The only units i really want to add to the map would be possibly removing a Nazgul and replacing it with a guardian hero, Khamul. That and raising Sam and Eowyns attack damage slightly.
Other ideas that have come to light:
Yellow able to use an SCV to take ring to Mt. Doom
More findables
Melee units for Gondor spawn (firebat)
Have an opening in the mountain near Harad allowing ground units
passage through them without having to go all way around
Once again if you have an idea please post it and if you like/dislike one of ideas already said please also say that!
AND ALSO ONCE AGAIN I don't really care if you don't like this map, or RHs in general. This isn't the topic for saying so, this is a topic trying to be productive in making a map.
Well its really what you want to accomplish. If you want to have the same old map same units of characters and the same terrain. This is like any other lotr map. Thats why people got sick of it and rh made a new twist on things. I think personally you would have to redo the map. Use different units that ppl havnt done (That do make sence). Make the game more strategic.
But if you dont like this idea
Making one nazgul a gardian is not a good idea
More findables is a bad idea. Why do maps have findables? Doesnt make sence. Everyone knows about them. Why not just give the player the drakes from the start?
Firebats for gondor is not needed. Right now gondor if at all good can hold their own against mordor easily. (with the help of Rohan of course)
Again Osgilith doesnt look like what is in the game.
Lastly there isnt a moutain pass into mordor where your talking about. Its about 50 miles after Kland.
I could go on and on about the terrain of the map but prob anything i say abou that wont make a difference.
I'd say less air to air combat at the end. Mordor, Elves, Gondor spawn way too much air.
instead give mordor a reason for using ground. Given them better hp of like orcs/lings
Have the lings actaully get to what their attacking before they die.
Some of the units of Gondor are too good. For example The gol's Way to suped up lower attack. Maybe more of an air attack for defence.
Another thing that ppl complain alot about is ccmu. At the end of the last spawn building comletetion Everyone gets WAY TOO MANY UNITS. Gondor at the end has way to many units.
Another idea is to have specail buildings. Why would you have a specail building when you kill it nothing happends?
One last thing when Frodo dies(with one ring) Why would the ring be placed a little bit after the back gates? I k why that happends but why did you keep it.
The reason you have it is because the location is sent to the middle of the map when frodo dies because the location doesnt have anywhere to go.
Don't get me wrong alot of your map is amazing. Whoever placed the starting units and set the hp is godlike in strategy and fairness.
The current map is one of a kind.
But i really think you should totally remake it. But thats my opinion.
Just some thoughts
I dont think their should be Drakes for guards.... There hasn't been one in Middle Earth since Smaug
Well just to cear up some things. Smaug wasnt a drake so your wrong. In the 3rd age there still were a few drakes around. Get your facts stright.
Well The Third age consisted of 3019 years and i dont remember ever in the books drakes being used for war
That doesnt mean that Drakes arnt in the 3rd age. Tolican or however u spell it made a encyclipedia of everything that happend and everything in middle earth. Drakes do exists in the 3rd age.
question why random hero... i dislike that version... thanks... if you answered it already im sorry..
Sigh. If you don't like random heros thats your opinion, don't play what you don't like. Don't say there isn't any original versions of SoG bieng hosted because there is, and if there are none host it yourself. Budseligsucks and myself made random heros because we wanted a twist on things. It's also an added strategical element, like what can I do with the heros I have?
Now back to topic. The ring actually does get placed where the hero dies, unless the hero is in a trans or the unit cannot be placed at the current position. Or if the trigger that centers location fires to fast and goes to middle before it spawns, which will be fixed. For findables not everyone knows and maybe if I possibly just rehid the current one.
As for the terrain wouldn't be very realistic, it already is not very realistic. But I do plan on completely remaking normal sog eventually, when I get unlazy. And finish this map. And LotR Sims.
Wow this kid has -215 minerals admin can u kick him?
Stick do you have any other ideas for the new one?
For the new RH or SoG?
For RH I'm asking the presented ideas in games over bnet and seeing which ones people like then by start of next week I hope to have a testable version ready.
For new SoG I'll make a thread for it when its ready.