I submitted 2 tutorials a few days ago which I think are worthy. How long does it take for them to be reviewed and posted?
Also I made a small booboo in one of them, will I be able to fix it?
Is Yoshi in charge of it all? I emailed him too, but I bet he is very busy.
If Yoshi decides not to put them up can I get the tutorials back because then I can just post them in a forum and I don't want to rewrite them again. (I already transferred them from Czaries)
I just want to them up already so people can see them.
Edit: Sorry if this doesn't belong here... I didn't really know where else to put it and still get the right attention. I figure people who will help others with maps will also know something about the tutorial submissions.
Actually, Shadow Paladin is the one who accepts the tutorials and maps. I dont know about him, but you can update tutorials if you made a mistake, and no, Yoshi is not in charge of it all.
Pinecone, let the Staff handle questions like this.
If you looked at the Staff page, you would notice MindArchon(U) is the Tutorial Manager. (Though, technically, even I could manage them.
Yoshi is in charge of anything on this site he chooses to be.
Mindarchon manages tutorials. I technically can manage any part of it, but other people participate and help out as well.
Having staff allows me to keep my sanity.
Topic Moved to Feedback and Bugs
Thanks guys.
Sorry for posting in the wrong area.
How soon could I expect to see them up though?
Whenever he checks I suppose.
Considering its Mindarchon, it will probably be never. haha
We had like 5 yesterday he did those, I see that theres 2 waiting confirmation.
ok so maybe i am wrong ;p