Im terriblly sorry if someone has already brought this up.
But it has been bothering me for the longest time.
I have always looked at particiation in forum sections and for some reason even though there are a few dozen posts in the creative section every now and then, the particiation still stays at its pristine 0%. Is there something wrong with it? What's going on? Id understand if it popped up to like 1% but 0%? Is a bug? Or are we not posting enough in there? I've seen some other sections with just as much particiation as creative and they get a few tens.
What dictates particiation anyway? The amount of posts? Or the amount of topic posts? Or both? The amount of viewers?
The creativity forum has 0 topics and 0 posts. The subforums have them all
Wow that makes sense. Further, how come the subforums are not counted towards particiation? They are inside it right?
Subforums are self-contained forums under another category. They register their own activity.
I see. I just thought it would make more sense if all five participations were added together and given an average and displayed on the parent forum: Creative. Whatever. I'll just click on creative before viewing each participation.
EDIT: Sorry, five, there are two sections that are rarely posted in so I couldn't remember them.
Three participations?
There are five subforums. That could probably be coded to average the percentages, but, you one's around to do so.
Anybody care to explain what exactly the formula is for activity?
It has to do with pie digested.
Participation = Pie/Pies eaten * Pi.
That cleared up everything