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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Plant Trees 3
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-16 at 00:52:06
This map is not dead!!!

I have started working on it again and I will release its first non-beta version by between the 14th and 19th of November. The whole core system of the game is built and bugless and I'm just adding on various goodies between now and the release. I'll of course continue to update it after the release.


Plant Trees 3

This will be the third of the series. You can d/l the 2nd at: . You plant trees obviously. If you play the Plant Trees 2 you will get the general gist however I'll assure you that this version will be 1000 times better.

Demo Release

This is a somewhat limited version of the map and crapty version of the map. The one that I have on my computer now is much better and has taken out all of this useless crap.
If you have any suggestiong or changed anything please tell me so if I feel its a good idea/change I can incorporate it into the official version. Don't tell me stupid things like the fact that there is very little colored text please.

Planting System
The planting system will be somewhat the same in PT3 but here are some various changes:
•The Bush (Shield battery) is being replaced by sprout (photon cannon)
•The small tree is going to be a arbiter tribunal instead of a pylon
•Trees do automaticaly upgrade but not in the same way.
•The main bug should be fixed.
•Many have suggested that different types of trees come out. This might be added however it will be in a later version.
•You have to build a comsat station for the Command Center to turn into a tree

•A death system - Undecided
•More attacks. PT2 just had just beaver attacks. I plan to have much more variety and much more as well.
•Improved AI: The attacks and all were terrible in cordination and other stuff. I hope to make it so that the comp uses its attacks well and all.
•Activities - The weed farm will be functional instead of decorative wink.gif , I'll mention some others later.
•A much improved pet system
•Optional Tutorial - People did not have a clue what to do in PT2 and this one is only going to be more complex.
•Liger system - WereLigers might come about now and then if you know what I mean.
•Money System: Water and money are being kept seperate. You can get money from occupations, quests and various other things.
•Occupations: This is one of the ways to get money. The current occupations are: Lumberjack, Weed Dealer, Kiraku hunter.

Some of the Finished Things
•Ion Cannon - It was in PT2 but extremely flawed and bugged. It is now completely functional and just as devastating.
•Ferry system: In PT2 the ferry system sucked. It is completely functional now.
•Plane System: The map being 192x192 w/o hovercrafts needed a way of fast transportation.
•City: It looks much better and is much easier to use. All of the buyable things in it have been fully triggered.
•Water Giving: Its the same as in PT2 except you can choose variables of 100, 200, and 500 of giving water. It is also bugless so you can't give to players who aren't there.
•Status's: Every single status is programmed except the Job ones.

Things that might be added in later versions
•Different Types of trees
•Someone playing a Lumber Company. It will be based off random triggers who gets it and there must be atleast 5 people in the game.


Map tileset & Terrain Features
•A walkable mountain
•A water fall
•A town of sorts with buildings made of temple.

Buyable units/Upgrades
•Marine - Park Ranger
•Probe - Wood person, out of tradition
•Pets - In PT2 you could get pets and they all had various abilites. The abilities will be balanced and you can choose which pet you want. Chances are that there will be other things pets can do.
•Technician - It was in PT2 but its abilities were very limited. It will be more useful.
•Siege Tanks - Artillery, if you have a better name, tell me.

These will be mainly pet spells. All of this is to subject change.
•Rhino - Charge, any unit near the rhino takes intensive dammage. Lasts like 10 seconds,
•Please give ideas.


[progress]95[/progress] Terrain
[progress]90[/progress] Triggers
[progress]80[/progress] Ideas
[progress]100[/progress] Unit Placement

Screen Shots
[attachmentid=17547] [attachmentid=17548]

Plant Trees 2 Comparisons

Things not being ported from Plant Trees 2
•The buyable lots. They are being replaced by the territory system.
•The mom & dad from top left corner. This is just because I feel it is not needed and just stupid.
•Hovercraft: It is being replaced by the plane system and I just don't want it because of abuse with it and all

Various Problems with Plant Trees 2
•The triggers in general were made extremely poorly. I did not use current player correctly at the time. The triggers from PT2 were copied from PT1 more or less.
•The strings was an issue as well. Since I didn't use current player correctly and I had every single trigger commented, i filled up the strings. This lead to many problems and ultimetly stopped me from updating it.
•I did not know how to use Starforge very well at the time which really limited the map. I probably won't use starforge anyway since I prefere SCMdraft 2 now.

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Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2006-02-16 at 00:53:59
Haven't played the second one, might try it some time and give some feedback. All looks good, good luck mate.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StarmanJr. on 2006-02-16 at 10:43:49
Well, I haven't played the 2nd one; however, I have played the first one with you! biggrin.gif

Wait a minute... what happened to that one other map you said you were going to make? The one that would play like "The Thing"? Meh, probably stopped I suppose disgust.gif

Oh well, hope this is more in-depth and less *coughpointlesscough* as the first one! Good luck on this one, Shadow-Killa_04!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-16 at 15:40:46
I have many many projects starmanjr. The map your tlaking about is a map I probably work about 1 hour a week on. Eventualy I think I'll be commited to work a lot on it, but thats not yet. It'll be less pointless although me being me I can't assure you that it'll have a great point.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by StarmanJr. on 2006-02-17 at 12:54:15
Well, if Plant Trees 3 has a good amount of humor implemented in it like Plant Trees 1, I'm sure it'll turn out pretty good. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Crispie on 2006-02-17 at 14:24:38
Its a silly game, but the Trees series is a fun game to kill time. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Javaboy on 2006-02-17 at 17:18:08
Sounds like an original map, never seen a "constructive" SC map where you make stuff, only seen ones where you destroy stuff (well usually) Will you be competing against the other players or is a team map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2006-02-17 at 20:18:58
I thought Plant Trees was fun, but it became boring over time. You should add more stuff that will add to replay value.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-02-17 at 20:42:23
The real problem that was encountered is that when me and some Starcraft brood war player's were playing PT2 is that when it said to get rangers at the town
the bridge is cut off and we couldnt find a way in blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-18 at 02:00:00
U aren't surpose to of taken the bridge. You were surpose to take the ferry. As I said Its extremely seriously flawed but thats not you were surpose to get in. It also sells tanks, pets, upgrades, technicians and the iono cannon which I never got to work properly.

Well I've been working on it some. Not to much done yet at all. Before I seriously start doing the triggers anyone have any ideas for the tree planting system or something like that.

I have decided to give people the ability to have 1 more tree growing at once. The amount of trees you can grow at once is dependent on your level. This will take me sometime to decide exactly how a system like this will work with the triggers and all but I hope I can start implementing it soon.

The Weather system is still being developed as well. Please give any suggestions. I've considered using gas to show the amount of "sunlight" you have or something like that but thats not being confirmed nor am I exactly sure how it will effect your tree growth.

The Axemen attack will also come back due to tradition. However, I plan to make them alittle more important than just popping out of nowhere when you cross a bridge.

Lastly, I've always wanted to have a wood person revolt put in. I am certainly putting it in this time. I'll have more details on it later.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JordanN_3335 on 2006-02-18 at 08:37:30
Sounds better say but heres something most map makers (including I) should do.

REVISE REVISE REVISE the important triggers as people will get screwed!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_Marine_123 on 2006-02-18 at 11:11:36
I just played Plant Trees 2, it was fun, but the lots were all pointless except the biggest one. It was very innovative and I can't wait to play the third ;D
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-18 at 16:16:34
The lots of land I think I'm removing however I do plan on adding a territory system of sorts. I don't know exactly how it will work. We'll see. I'm still mainly developing ideas more than working on it. The duff beer blimp will come back of course except it'll be alittle more cool & important.

Also, thx to Kumano the main bug may be solved so that won't be an issue hopefully.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Javaboy on 2006-02-18 at 16:33:27
For the tree planting system you could have a system implemented in other maps which worked really well, its where you have a unit in a 3x3 area with a 1x1 area in it, and if the unit leaves the center area it triggers something, that would make the planting of a tree very easy/quick.

For the # of trees you can have growing per level you could have a trigger that when you plant the tree it add 1 death to an unused unit, and when the tree finishes growing subtract one death. depending on your level youd be able to have a certain amount of deaths for the unused unit. every level a death for another unused unit would be added. so if ever the deaths of unused unit #1 is greater than deaths of unused unit #2 kill the most recent tree.

For the sunlight/weather thing you could have a designated of deaths for a certain unit, every 1000 miliseconds ( 1 second) add the 1 death to the unused unit and subrtract 1 vespene and repeat that until you have 0 vespene, then when the deaths of the unused unit reach a number, the tree stops growing and goes to the next stage or something. This would not qork for a large number of trees but with some creative editing you might get it to work for 2-10 trees.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-18 at 19:59:16
For the tree planting system I had that (More or less)in PT1 however that caused various problems mainly that people were building their trees right next to the minerals and stuff like that so I changed it.

I didn't think about a death counter for the level system and I'll probably implement that.

I understand your weather system. I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing about sunlight currently. Your idea is a possibility but I also want the water system to remain.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tdnfthe1 on 2006-02-19 at 00:46:36
Can't believe I never really checked out this thread, this map looks really high class and hard to trigger. Im going to play #2 asap and give you feedback to help with #3, I'm pretty sure that at least the system in 2 will impress me so I doubt there will be any disappointments. Goodluck man, this is looking good.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ice_Inferno_X3 on 2006-02-19 at 14:46:13
i loved the first two! FINISH THIS NOW biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-19 at 15:01:40

The Waterfall and The mountain are completely done. There are many paths on the mountain you can go it. Theres also a secret tunnel which leads somewhere. (Its really funny).

The map is going to be 192x192. 128x128 was to small.

The map still has about no triggers in it for I want to be completely sure of what I'm doing before I start. Hopefully in a day or two I will start on that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Javaboy on 2006-02-19 at 16:55:36
The sunlight could add a random # of minerals every few seconds that way the more sun you have the more the tree grows (even though it would be giving you more water, but thats besides the point).

I see how making the trees near the minerals could be an isue, but you could have it so that you still have to build the cc, but just do the quick thing for the trees. but the system from #2 was fine (except those ligers always got in the way)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-19 at 21:07:08
I don't c y the ligers would get in the way. They die when they get close however, they do go on the endangered species list and then they stop sying. wink.gif

We'll see about sunlight and all. I really don't know quite yet.

Anyway, I have my mountain completely done and my waterfall is as well. As I've said before I'm not the best terrainer so they don't look the prettiest but they're good.

I also have about 50 triggers done.

Currently I'm atempting to make the city out of temple. (Its the gray stuff in the jungle tileset.) Once I finish this the terrain should be nearly completely done and I will start doing all of the triggers and all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-02-19 at 21:21:14
I wasn't aware you made a 1 and 2 lol. I wasn't even sure of the story line. I also have no tried it. I would like to. You seem to know what you are doing and your bacic outline is well done. I will try it out, once i get my lat fixed and give some feedback of my own.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ice_Inferno_X3 on 2006-02-20 at 00:39:23
this map is looking good shadow. hurry and finish
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-20 at 00:48:09
Ok, guys. I've worked a lot on it today.

The terrain is completely done except for the finishing touches and touch up's here and there. (Alittle redundant wasn't it?) I've started doing the triggers. My first quest I'm doing is 1 where you kill the beetles.

Quest system:
There are 2 types of quest givers. High templars and tassadars. High templars give ez quests with low rewards and nothing bad happens if you don't complete it. Tassadar quests are very hard and you probably will need some fire power. You won't be allowed to get the quest until your a higher level. If you fail a tassadar quest catastrophic things could happen or huge ass rewards.

You can only have 1 quest at a time. The amount of time you have to complete it will be shown in a timer. The mission briefing will also be updated to show you the quest so incase you forget what to do you will know.

The quests will be a team. If your the only one that does the quest, every tree planter will get a reward.

Any suggestions for the quest system or quests please tell me. For some ideas look at PT2 and look at the weed farm or something like that and tell me what you think a potencial quest could be.

Ice_inferno is one of the few who have seen the terrain and all so I guess you should listen to him.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Javaboy on 2006-02-20 at 09:00:00
I like the quest idea, which really makes team work the best option, about the level requirement for the tassadar quests, will each of them require a different level or will they all be the same, and will the level be yours or the lowest of the people on the map, since you do it as a team.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow-Killa_04 on 2006-02-20 at 12:33:32
Update on ideas:

Territory System:
There will be some territories in PT3. They will be divided by a brown line. If you have most of the trees in that area, your trees become invincible and you have the ability to build defense in that area. If your defense is destroyed and you have no men in that area but someone else does your trees loose their invincibility.

Liger's: There will be were ligers every now and then....

Money System: Water and money are no longer the same thing. Water will help you anywhere but the town pretty much. You need money to use the town. Your money will be shown in a leaderboard. You can get money by quests, jobs and other various things.

Occupations: As you have read money will be different from water. The current jobs are:
Weed Dealer
Lumberjack (Cut down your or your partner trees for money wink.gif )
Kariuku Hunter
More will be added

Current quests and speical rewards:
Kill Beetles - You get a kirby doll
Apple - You get the ability to arm urself
Car - You have the ability to turn into a vulture
Weed - You can build bongs

Reviving: This is still not perfect but I do know that you will have the option whether to wait a certain amount of time or but your way out. If you do die you'll loose a level and your loyalty will go down which can lead to revolts.

Thats it, please resond.

Javaboy, it will be based on whether you have the right equipment I decided. You can only buy things at town certain things at town when your a certain level. The reason for this is because you could be level twenty and have never bought jack.
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