Plant Trees 3
This will be the third of the series. You can d/l the 2nd at: . You plant trees obviously. If you play the Plant Trees 2 you will get the general gist however I'll assure you that this version will be 1000 times better.
Demo Release
This is a somewhat limited version of the map and crapty version of the map. The one that I have on my computer now is much better and has taken out all of this useless crap.
If you have any suggestiong or changed anything please tell me so if I feel its a good idea/change I can incorporate it into the official version. Don't tell me stupid things like the fact that there is very little colored text please.
Planting SystemThe planting system will be somewhat the same in PT3 but here are some various changes:
•The Bush (Shield battery) is being replaced by sprout (photon cannon)
•The small tree is going to be a arbiter tribunal instead of a pylon
•Trees do automaticaly upgrade but not in the same way.
•The main bug should be fixed.
•Many have suggested that different types of trees come out. This might be added however it will be in a later version.
•You have to build a comsat station for the Command Center to turn into a tree
-Ideas•A death system - Undecided
•More attacks. PT2 just had just beaver attacks. I plan to have much more variety and much more as well.
•Improved AI: The attacks and all were terrible in cordination and other stuff. I hope to make it so that the comp uses its attacks well and all.
•Activities - The weed farm will be functional instead of decorative
, I'll mention some others later.
•A much improved pet system
•Optional Tutorial - People did not have a clue what to do in PT2 and this one is only going to be more complex.
•Liger system - WereLigers might come about now and then if you know what I mean.
•Money System: Water and money are being kept seperate. You can get money from occupations, quests and various other things.
•Occupations: This is one of the ways to get money. The current occupations are: Lumberjack, Weed Dealer, Kiraku hunter.
Some of the Finished Things•Ion Cannon - It was in PT2 but extremely flawed and bugged. It is now completely functional and just as devastating.
•Ferry system: In PT2 the ferry system sucked. It is completely functional now.
•Plane System: The map being 192x192 w/o hovercrafts needed a way of fast transportation.
•City: It looks much better and is much easier to use. All of the buyable things in it have been fully triggered.
•Water Giving: Its the same as in PT2 except you can choose variables of 100, 200, and 500 of giving water. It is also bugless so you can't give to players who aren't there.
•Status's: Every single status is programmed except the Job ones.
Things that might be added in later versions•Different Types of trees
•Someone playing a Lumber Company. It will be based off random triggers who gets it and there must be atleast 5 people in the game.
Map tileset & Terrain Features•Jungle
•A walkable mountain
•A water fall
•A town of sorts with buildings made of temple.
Buyable units/Upgrades•Marine - Park Ranger
•Probe - Wood person, out of tradition
•Pets - In PT2 you could get pets and they all had various abilites. The abilities will be balanced and you can choose which pet you want. Chances are that there will be other things pets can do.
•Technician - It was in PT2 but its abilities were very limited. It will be more useful.
•Siege Tanks - Artillery, if you have a better name, tell me.
-SpellsThese will be mainly pet spells. All of this is to subject change.
•Rhino - Charge, any unit near the rhino takes intensive dammage. Lasts like 10 seconds,
•Please give ideas.
[progress]95[/progress] Terrain
[progress]90[/progress] Triggers
[progress]80[/progress] Ideas
[progress]100[/progress] Unit Placement
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Plant Trees 2 Comparisons
Things not being ported from Plant Trees 2•The buyable lots. They are being replaced by the territory system.
•The mom & dad from top left corner. This is just because I feel it is not needed and just stupid.
•Hovercraft: It is being replaced by the plane system and I just don't want it because of abuse with it and all
Various Problems with Plant Trees 2•The triggers in general were made extremely poorly. I did not use current player correctly at the time. The triggers from PT2 were copied from PT1 more or less.
•The strings was an issue as well. Since I didn't use current player correctly and I had every single trigger commented, i filled up the strings. This lead to many problems and ultimetly stopped me from updating it.
•I did not know how to use Starforge very well at the time which really limited the map. I probably won't use starforge anyway since I prefere SCMdraft 2 now.
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