Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-16 at 09:41:58
[center]RaceEvolves[/center] [center]Choose from 3 different types of evovles to fight with. Terran Units Protoss Units Zerg Units[/center] [center]Features[/center] [center]At beggining of the game players choose from either Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. When Terran is choosen the first level is Marine. For Protoss it is Zealot. And for Zerg it is Zergling. There will be heros. The heros are based on how many kills you have gotten and the amount of heros you don't have. Each Unit is also Equally balanced against all other units of the same level.[/center] [center]Progress[/center] [center][progress]50[/progress][/center] [center]50%[/center] [center]There are 8 levels for each race. Each unit has its own little upgrade after that level of the certain units.
• = Not Started • = Working On • = Completed[/center]
Player ones starting location, each player gets a Turret and 2 Bunkers
The first half of the Heros Section The other half of Heros Selection [/center] Comments and Suggestions Please
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DF-fourofspades on 2006-02-16 at 13:17:28
just a hint if you wanna do triggers fast, just copy and modify. thats what i do...
i wanna see some screenshots soon too!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-02-16 at 15:36:30
Umm, I don't see anything special about this map. Seems like Golems without the Golems part. Try making an evolution unique like Beer Keg did.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-02-16 at 16:08:29
Copying and Modifying...thats usually how i do Triggers if im Making an Evolves map, makes it go much faster And since i like evolves Gl dada
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-16 at 20:29:39
I am doing screenshots right now as you read this so be ready for them
ADDITION: Update: Screenshots Up Now! 2 heros for each race done! 6 More heros to go
Ideas: More Levels Permanent Teams or let Players Choose.
ADDITION: If anyone wants to test just ask or meet me in channel "Op Mp)Dada" for more imformation! I can only test 2 ppl at a time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SkuLL on 2006-02-16 at 20:32:54
You didn't even finished your other maps yet...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-16 at 21:50:01
I know.... Since I thought evolves wouldnt take that long i decieded to make one.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DF-fourofspades on 2006-02-16 at 22:08:40
make the screenshots bigger please... what program did you use to make the map?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-17 at 09:11:56
QUOTE(DF-fourofspades @ Feb 16 2006, 09:08 PM)
make the screenshots bigger please... what program did you use to make the map? [right][snapback]428894[/snapback][/right]
Scmdraft and X-tra Editer
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-02-17 at 17:13:16
QUOTE(Mp)Dada @ Feb 17 2006, 10:11 AM)
Scmdraft and X-tra Editer [right][snapback]429169[/snapback][/right]
Lol those are the 2 i use also
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-17 at 18:47:02
Update: Heros up now Finished Level 3 for all races.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-02-18 at 08:13:09
yay this maps seems its going well! i hope i can test balencing issues and fun-ness helping. helping with adding/removing stuff. adding cool flashy terrain. jeese i could name a few. o well. i still am inturested in this map dada! dont leave us and forget about the whole thing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-20 at 11:35:33
Don't worrie agent i wont leave you or SC. I'll just be on less time than i used to be.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-02-20 at 11:37:56
i no this is kinda off topic but. u really need to talk to jmoney about the blader problem. he thinks i did it but it wasnt me. u really need cuz i miss going into mp and saying hi to you and the gang.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-20 at 13:19:11
I would, if i could, but I can't, so I won't. My dad kicked me off of other comp I can't get on Sc on this comp cuz my Cd Drive is still busted.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-02-20 at 13:45:50
ask him on sen.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-22 at 00:20:46
Ok people I need testers for this so when I'm available and you'r available msg me at Mp)Dada@USEast If you feel like testing. Full house would be really nice.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2006-02-22 at 04:57:55
The blue really makes it hard to read. I know you can highlight it, but if someone was just to quickly read over what you wrote they'd skip the harder to read parts due to scan reading. Try changing it to a different colour.
Other than that, the terrain looks very organised and well laid out. Good luck with this map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-22 at 14:09:21
I fixed Text on Topic for the people with "Sensative eyes"
Update: Finished Level 4 For all Races Working on Some of Heros Lowerd Zergling Spawn to 1
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-02-22 at 17:13:11
are you gonna fix thaT upgrade problem with the zerglings?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-22 at 17:57:13
Yeah I did fix the problem
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DI)Yulla on 2006-02-22 at 18:00:11
I am really looking forward to this game... I am wondering if this will be up in DLDB soon. I am hoping it is not "one of those evolves again" kinda evolves.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-23 at 14:14:46
I think my evolve is special because well..... you get to choose what you want to be and there are heros. <---- *Don't know if anyone has tried heros in Evolves*
ADDITION: Update: Added freinds box Added thx To box Zerglings are little stronger and only spawn 1 at a time
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-02-23 at 16:07:30
QUOTE(Mp)Dada @ Feb 22 2006, 04:57 PM)
Yeah I did fix the problem [right][snapback]432760[/snapback][/right]
good! that bugged me when p2 got to kill alot of mine then i got the hydras and
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-02-26 at 20:18:40
QUOTE(AgenT_Nick @ Feb 23 2006, 03:07 PM)
good! that bugged me when p2 got to kill alot of mine then i got the hydras and [right][snapback]433274[/snapback][/right]
It wont bug you anymore. At least I don't think it will! Pray to god that it works and i finish this map very soon.
ADDITION: Need 5 testers at the moment so if anyone wants to test plz come to channel Op Mp)Dada (@ Us East). k, thx