(Note, i did the Random Capital letters on Purpose ^_^)
Gate of Darkness RPG 3
By Light_Aurora
Within the fiery depths of Oblivion are many creatures..who try to Call out for an Answer to the Doorway out..None has ever been Answered..who would seek to Set the World ablaze in Flames of War? to Destroy humanity with the Power of the Demons?, a Necromancer named Azshrak who believes he can Resurrect the Lord of Darkness (The Demon King) with his Power. has Devoted himself to Opening the Doorway to Oblivion He Must be Stopped
256x256 Jungle Tileset
6 Player Map
2 Computers
Genre: Open RPG
GWS, Gateway Spell System
BIS, (Beacon Item System?, Pending..)
7 Classes
Rising HP
60 Levels
Six Items
Anti-BS System
4 Spells per Class (Duh, Gateway)
Random Treasure Chest Generator
Many side Quests that you can find from Talking to Civs
Map Objective
The only Thing that can Finally seal the Gate of Darkness is the seven Ashthron Crystals, ashthron is the God of the land, he watches over us. With his might imbued into these Crystals we will be able to Defeat Aszhsrak and Reseal the Gate..before the Demon King returns.
¤ = Not Started
¤ = Working on
¤ = Completed
¤ Player 1 Triggers
¤ Player 2 Triggers
¤ Player 3 Triggers
¤ Player 4 Triggers
¤ Player 5 Triggers
¤ Player 6 Triggers
¤ Spells
¤ Items
¤ Chest Generator
¤ Bosses
¤ Terrain
¤ *All Players* Triggerworking
¤ (Considering Changing storyline..its Bad..i Know..)
¤ Class names and Spell Ideas
¤ Ability to Upgrade Spells (Pending..)
¤ Levels 0-10
¤ Levels 10-20
¤ Levels 20-30
¤ Levels 30-40
¤ Levels 40-50
¤ Levels 50-60
¤ Rising HP
Red = Hard
Yellow = Medium
Green = Easy (Class Difficulty)
Warrior (Fenix (Zealot)
Light Mage (Tassadar)
Dark Mage (Defiler)
Berserker (Zergling)
Assassin (Hydralisk)
Hunter (Jim Raynor)
Longbow Archer (Sarah Kerrigan)
Unfortunately, i have yet to Get around to taking Screenshots, also Unfortuneately. it is 2 O'Clock at night. and i will Try to take some Tomorrow (On the 18th) Thank you and sry =(
Gate of Darkness RPG 3: Oblivion
Created by Light_Aurora, and, if you Wish to Test PM me or Contact me Via B.Net (Aurora[xM])
Febuary 18th 2:59 PM: Finished Kills to Cash System, awaiting Playable data for Screenshots.
Febuary 19th. 1:36 PM: Finished 75% of Terrainworks. Finished triggers for Player 2[[/COLOR][/SIZE]