QUOTE(HeRtZ @ Feb 26 2006, 02:41 PM)
when i saved it, it was marine.mpq, and winmpq wouldnt open it!
hm.... then problem is winmpq's open function?
that marine.mpq wont load on winmpq again?
So then try pick ohter mpq application like "mqp master"
that is latest released mpq application and working very fast also there include
allmost Blizzard game's mpq file list information
here is Delveloper's officall page
http://www.soarchin.com/main.php?lang=enthere r got many Blizzard mqp tools
try use "mqp master" , u probably will love that....
QUOTE(BroodKiller @ Feb 26 2006, 07:22 AM)
!) Arse3 may have screwed you DAT files
2)YOu may have input wrong pathnames for the portraits you've edited
Btw, screw Arse3 - use DatEdit
yeah~! i agree to use Datedit
but i had been use Arse3 allways before but that was no problem to use
important key is grade level of that user .....(i believe that)
Anyway, DatEdit is very usefull and capability but that could not make All Stuffs