Brief description:
The basics of this map are:
•3v3 Human v Human Sniper kind of map.
•You are given a Ghost/Sniper along with a observer/Scope.
•The teams are Team light vs. Team Dark
•You use the observer like a scope, you find an opposing team member and when you want to fire all you have to do is hit decloak. An interceptor/Bullet will shoot out from your snipers location and travel to the scope and kill or wound any men in way
•Triggers: I have almost made every trigger for p1 and all I have to do is make the same for every other player
•Terrain: I haven’t started on the extended terrain yet. The landscape will be city based with cars, Buildings, streets, sidewalks ect. Any ideas for this please tell me.
-Map tileset•Badlands, City Landscape
•The basic mission objective to this game is seek and destroy.
-Player InterfaceThis is things that add strategey to the map and gameplay
•Bullet Time: Yes, if you see the bullet coming you do have a chance to dodge it.
•City Landscape: Creates the feel of an area set up for a sniper war.
•Health: You may choose to play with one hit kills or you can pick two hit kills.
•Scope realism: Scope/observers will be blinded so you have more of a chance to stay hidden.
•2x regular game speed: Faster combat between teams.
•Reload system: Right now I think it will be two shots then you must reload.
•Sounds: Sniper gun shots so you can know if someone is under attack.
•Team Killing: If you teammate runs in front of a bullet he will die or be wounded.
Screenshots / Demo
Screenshots coming soon.
Thanks to anyone that helped me
•Please give me any suggestions
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