Congradulations. If it really matters to you that much, I suggest you do something more worthwhile, like sticking your wang in a bucket of dry ice.
You aren't unique. Anyone can do this, but you are just embarrassing yourself. You do know that since you agreed to the terms of service at SEN, your ISP can remove you and you won't have internet access anymore? They have your IP from your previous accounts, your IP states which ISP you come from.
I noticed the rockmyvote accounts (there are at least 5) a while ago (what gave it away was the huge-ass progress bar you put in the shoutbox).
I had a feeling it was you.
No really, prove it is shorty. If i said i was yoshi, would u have to hold me to my world and remove his internet?
QUOTE(RockMyVote1 @ Feb 28 2006, 05:50 PM)
Hey this is shorty here on a proxy
PROOFI can't get rid of you?
Roffle pwnt?
Only saying if you were shorty.
Such an immature little fool.
When he is talking about shorty is he refering to Mp)Shorty?
And offtopic: And for agreeing to terms of service here, does that mean SEN can really take away my account?
"You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. "
All the prosecutors need to convict most criminals is a confession. You confessed to being shorty in the first post. If this were an actual trial, that would be more than enough proof (even by some snowball in hell chance it isn't shorty).
It's to late fago, your saying goodbye to your internet. And if your not fago then why to worry?
BTW, if you have that little account you mentioned, it's already fond it will go with you.
Guys, we hate this crap and we all think similar in this case. So maybe just ignore it and leave it be
(don't give him attention and he'll shut up)
QUOTE(RockMyVote1 @ Feb 28 2006, 06:29 PM)
No, in a confession, u need a confession from shorty saying they're me. not the other way around. you have no way of determining i am shorty. obviously i am a sabotage, i could be doing this for kicks to get shorty in trouble. but no, really, where does it say i get my internet taken away fool-o?
shorty is banned. Can't get in much more trouble than that. We don't want you ruining shorty's good name.
Ha-ha! Got the quote in before you edited it.
I've banned you already, yet that wasn't enough. Your ISP is getting a nice e-mail.