QUOTE(Merrell @ Mar 2 2006, 05:29 PM)
I really don't think it's that necassary is it? How can we bash other members without flaming or spaming? It wouldn't make it, and would cause too many warns. Are you just talking about a forum where you can debate over certain members? Why do you really need that? This isn't a kiddie forum, I don't understand the reason to argue. If you really have a problem with a member that's flaming you, report him or her.
Ok I don't think anyone understands the idea of the fourm.
THE FOURM IS NOT A PLACE TO SAY LOL THIS PERSON SUCKSIt's for people who are arguing in an already decent thread in the Null Fourm most likely, or map making production at times. I've seen threads that were cool or everyone liked them but some Member Member feud gets started up and the perfectly decent thread gets closed because two jerks decided to argue in a thread. Which isn't fair to the people who made the thread. So if this fourm was made then they would take there arguement there and argue about whatever they were arguing about over there.
You're all getting the idea that the fourm is going to be called "be a f*ck j*ackass fourm" with the description of "single out perfectly good memebrs and call them a flamming faggot". That's not the idea of the fourm, it's to make the already good and cheery fourms keep there purity by diverting all the flamming and badness that happens in the fourms and puts it in this fourm so no one has to deal with other people's crap.
And for the record everyone has been complaing about how there are too many flammers in Null fourm and such anyway. So this could help the problem everyone is complaining about.