Aww. You want me to be nice? Alright.
TBB is not NR. The fact that TBB knew [Private Information]. Kellimus knew this information, and hes stupid enough to do something like that and he was deleted. No one else have the motive to do something so stupid. All evidence points to Kellimus. Hell, he even posted here under his REAL account, and I can still see a match in grammar.
By the way, I just found a DEAD giveaway in finding a match in his personality. If you look at how he types "SEN", hes the only one who writes it like "SeN". He did it in the top post and the one down here:
You are being a smartmouth right now...You don't go up to Kellimus and yell at his face for no reason...You were barely here...So how do you know who he is? I hated him for my first few months...But then I got to know him and I respect him...You don't have my respect right now.