Yeah, this has been bugging me lately. The description below the Off Topic forum says
QUOTE(Off Topic Forum's Description)
Talk about anything you'd like, but it must meant to create discussion.
I bet it's supposed to say "Talk about anything you'd like, but it must
be meant to create discussion." Of course, you could always go for a new description: "For the discussion of topics unrelated to gaming." That's my two cents for that one.
The General Gaming forum says
QUOTE(General Gaming Forum's Description)
Starcraft, Starcraft Brood war, Other Blizzard Games, and other games.
I would just change the grammar a bit by capitalizing the proper words, to make it look tidy. Like this (suggested changes are bold): "
For the discussion of Starcraft, Starcraft Brood
other Blizzard
or any other games."
The Welcome forum says
QUOTE(Welcome Forum's Description)
If your totally new to the forums, you can introduce yourself to others here.
I would change it to "If
you're totally new to the forums, introduce yourself to others here."
These tiny changes will just make the site feel more professional, and they'll stop me from doing a double-take every time my anal-retentiveness catches one of these errors. Sorry I'm so nit-picky!