QUOTE(xws @ Mar 9 2006, 01:19 AM)
Hi I recently discovered this site while googling some map making question I had. Once here I realized it had the answer and the answers to a whole bunch of other questions I hadn't even thought of yet. Not to mention good map making programs and map database too. So anyways yeah I am pretty happy to find it and glad there is an open community to share ideas in.
So far everything I have seen is good, but there is one thing that concerns me a little. I see a bunch of topics being locked. I know this is for what the moderators think is a good idea, but I don't get it. For example I just made a topic about how to make a units hp 0. But then I figured out how to do it shortly after. So the moderator sees this is solved and closes the topic. But just because I found 1 way to do it doesn't mean there is nothing more to discuss. But even if there is nothing more to discuss then locking it is pointless because no one will post there anyways. Ok for instance I found a way to make a unit have 0/1 hp, but what if you wanted to make a unit that is already out there go from 50/50 hp to 0/50 hp, is this possible? Or if you want to make the units hp 2/1 (I have seen this done). There are always things to discuss that someone hasn't thought of yet, and there is nothing that I can see to gain by locking topics like this.
Note, that I am not against locking altogether, a perfect example would be to lock a thread where someone asks the same question as another thread, clearly the discussion should be unified in 1 thread instead of many. Another place I see alot of locking is in the map showcase. I don't get this either. Many times I have DLed an old map and liked it, but wanted to discuss only to see that I can't because the topic is locked.
Anyways I am sorry to bring all this up in my introduction but I don't know where else to put it, and the reason I bring it up at all is because I really like this place and I want it to be some place where I can have great discussions for a long time.
I see you haven't discovered the mineral system yet, it partly contributes to why they close topics, otherwise people start going on tangents in topics just for some additional SEN Money. Some of the locking is done by the topic creator too, because they feel that they no longer need to keep it open. More closed topics = less topics moderators have to check on constantly. If it's a new idea to add to the topic but its closed, just make a new topic. Moderators usually don't quickly close topics anyways (I've only had one or two of mine closed by someone other than myself)
But anyways welcome to SEN!