Title: "Shadow Run (RPG)"
Seattle 2016, you enter a world that hasnt changed much from the past. Death. Power. Greed. You were an elite with partners that always have your back. You wondered what it would be like to go for the ultimate run. 1,000,000,000¥ would be enough to change anyone's mind. So you set it up, assembled your best men, and loaded your classic firearm. Time for business, time to run in the shadows.
- Completed 100% of the graphics needed in the map. (Might change)
- Completed 8 random missions from Mr. Johnson
- Completed 3 different places to hire shadow runners
- Completed Hospital, Bar, Diner, and 2 Shops!
- Completed project of multi-layered terrain (extending w/Blends)
- Completed upgrades for all units!
- Completed 6 Corporations to hack! Matrix style.
-Ideas - Airport
- Storylines for each hero
- Storyline for map
- Air Traffic if Airport added
- Gang wars with Lone Star police in city during random times.
-TerrainI have added a completely new look to the new maps.
Multi-layered buildings and ridges to make buildings and mountains.
Stylish terrain for mission buildings,
2D Enviornment inside main buildings.
The city of Seattle sits on over 192x80 tiles of terrain!
-Unit placementAs the game starts, you are to choose from up to seven heros.
I have added multiple hero spots of the same unit to provide less blocking.
-TriggersI am currently using a lot of trigger sections. to name a few:
- Routes for city traffic
- Character Selection/Hiring/Upgrading/Hero Respawn
- Missions for the team to complete / allowing to do multiple times.
- Matrix triggers
- Others, etc.
-StorylineYour pretty much in a city left with nothing but the group you start with. Your previous team was shot down by gunfire. you will find out who did it and why.
Player 1 is required. obvious reasons such as banner, and cut-scene viewing. If player 1 leaves the game or you start without player 1, the game is playable, but the movies will not be shown.
-Map tilesetBadlands
-Map size192x192
Storyline / Introduction
No story has been written as of yet.
Starting in the streets of Seattle in 2016
-Player InterfacePlayers are all allied and complete missions together. A unique money stucture i have is the more you kill as in different units, when a team member kills that unit also, you get an added bonus! So that way the strong will survive and the team can have a little sharing take place.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•I think that my map places high as far as graphics. I have spent many moons on this not out of dedication, but out of how sweet it could be if done better. So I kept at it, and thats what you see.
-Characters•They starting characters you can choose from are:
- Human Hitman
- Troll Bouncer
- Dwarven Decker
- Elven Decker
- RTech Android
- Orc Shaman
- Acid Wage Mage
•There is 1 Secret hero:
- Spiked Wage Mage
-WeaponsThe weapons are you hero and the units/vehicles you buy.
-ItemsCurrently not using items.
-SpellsCurrently not using spells.
Download Today! and post for me.... I could use the feedback.
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