Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 19:32:48
I am back, thanks to the awesome IsolatedPurity.
He roxorz my soxorz ^_^
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mr.Camo on 2006-03-21 at 19:33:12
Welcome back bro. Camo + Kellimus = 2hot2handle.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Hitl1r1 on 2006-03-21 at 19:36:34
Welcome back, don't pay attention to the people who dislike you(if any)...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-03-21 at 19:37:37
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 19:37:55
If any? hehehe... There are so many people who dislike me, it's not funny.
But like I said the first time I came back:
"I am a changed person"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zombie on 2006-03-21 at 19:42:54
Welcome back mate. Hopefully now we won’t hear “OMG ITS KELLI AGAIN” anymore.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2006-03-21 at 19:43:43
You were gone? I don't think I noticed… sorry.
Nah, I'm just kiddin. Welcome back, Kellimus. (I know that is what I said in the shoutbox >.>)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HorroR on 2006-03-21 at 19:44:03
Hopefully now we won’t hear “OMG ITS KELLI AGAIN” anymore.
Or will we
And as I always say: Ignore the people who wish to give you fruit
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 19:46:37
They are just immature anyways. So they no longer bother me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-03-21 at 19:57:50
You are being watched. That is all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Freedawk on 2006-03-21 at 19:59:07
Hehe...Welcome back.
I never knew that HorroR takes up half of SEN
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodan on 2006-03-21 at 20:22:10
Welcome back, man. It wasn't the same without ya. Hopefully things can settle down around here.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 20:44:32
Well, why thank you Doodan I now feel so ed now ^_^
And you know I am with you Doodan.. You're the one and only
And @ Moose: Notice my quote: "I am a changed person"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cloud on 2006-03-21 at 21:04:30
QUOTE(Doodan @ Mar 22 2006, 01:21 AM)
Welcome back, man. It wasn't the same without ya. Hopefully things can settle down around here. [right][snapback]450233[/snapback][/right]
SeN's been abit boring w/o Kelli around I have to admit that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Merrell on 2006-03-21 at 21:10:30
Kellimus, you said "I am a changed person" the last time you were banned. And guess what, you kept your act for about 3 days before you were banned again. I don't think it's going to be any different. Well of course you're going to say that, you were just unbanned, most likely like anyone being unbanned.
Yeah, let's all forget the 100+ flames Kellimus sent us over the past year. Let's forget that huge thread containing unconstructive flames toward Moose, and even insulting Yoshi. Let's all forget the 5+ accounts he had on SEN, let's forget the proxies he used.
Wow, I'm starting to get a different opinion on the administration here. I really think it's pitiful giving him chances over and over. People will start getting used to the unbanning, the chances. You need to show users you aren't kidding around, and take action against members who continually flame SEN, the staff, the members. (which whom Kellimus excessively flamed all three).
Please, be a little more strict with banning.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 21:40:43
Merrell. If you're talking about flames over the past "1+" year, you have no room to talk and should have been banned LONG ago. Everything that is typed out by your hands, is a flame. And if it's not flame, it's spam. Just like you have spamed my welcome thread.
So I ask you: Please refrain from posting in here again. Thank you.
ADDITION: And by the way: I came back, and was banned the same day, thank you. Because (Acording to Moogle, who was told by Moose) "Zordon's and Kellimus's info was the same"
I am not here to cause problems, yet you seem to be trying to cause them. Why? Why do you always try and point out the "horrible" things in everything?
I think i'll quote Cheeze who quotes whoever now:
If you don't like it, leave
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-03-21 at 21:41:32
QUOTE(Merrell @ Mar 21 2006, 09:10 PM)
Kellimus, you said "I am a changed person" the last time you were banned. And guess what, you kept your act for about 3 days before you were banned again. I don't think it's going to be any different. Well of course you're going to say that, you were just unbanned, most likely like anyone being unbanned.
Yeah, let's all forget the 100+ flames Kellimus sent us over the past year. Let's forget that huge thread containing unconstructive flames toward Moose, and even insulting Yoshi. Let's all forget the 5+ accounts he had on SEN, let's forget the proxies he used.
Wow, I'm starting to get a different opinion on the administration here. I really think it's pitiful giving him chances over and over. People will start getting used to the unbanning, the chances. You need to show users you aren't kidding around, and take action against members who continually flame SEN, the staff, the members. (which whom Kellimus excessively flamed all three).
Please, be a little more strict with banning. [right][snapback]450290[/snapback][/right]
the administrators can ban people but that exact person is going to come back in here with different accounts with different computers. also there has been people that seem to act nice but in secret they actually want to destroy this site.
welcome back!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2006-03-21 at 21:42:11
QUOTE(Merrell @ Mar 21 2006, 07:10 PM)
…Let's all forget the 5+ accounts he had on SEN…
It was more like 3.
I see another flame war brewing.. *puts on fire-proof suit*
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Merrell on 2006-03-21 at 21:42:19
I'm talking about all of the recent events lets say, the past 2 months. You created that 2 page essay insulting just about every staff member in a CRUEL way, but now you're all happy when you're unbanned? If you were banned, why couldn't you have just stayed away? Maybe in about a half of year everyone would have forgotten, but no, you created several accounts when you were supposed to be BANNED.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 21:45:32
Oh, and again:
"Let's all forget the 5+ accounts he had on SEN" " Maybe in about a half of year everyone would have forgotten, but no, you created several accounts when you were supposed to be BANNED."
Prove it.
That is what I thought: You can't.
Obviously, you're to oblivious to who you claim I am.
I am not TBB. That is Nuclearrabbit. I am not Zordon. That was my friend. I am not EternallyCursed. I have no farking clue who that is. I am not whoever else you claimed me to be.
So please Merrell.
Again, I quote Cheeze:
If you don't like it, leave
And by the way: Quit Trolling. It's against the rules.
EDIT: Fixed agianst to against
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-03-21 at 21:46:43
i sence an argument a hater versus a hater. this seems intersting
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 21:48:33
QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Mar 21 2006, 07:46 PM)
i sence an argument a hater versus a hater. this seems intersting [right][snapback]450323[/snapback][/right]
An argument? No. More like someone who thinks they know everything, trying to prove they know everything with no facts.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-03-21 at 21:50:04
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Mar 21 2006, 09:48 PM)
An argument? No. More like someone who thinks they know everything, trying to prove they know everything with no facts. [right][snapback]450326[/snapback][/right]
that is true, there isnt going to be a court. might as well both of you dropping the random arguement. becuase no one has actuall 100% proof that you made multiple accounts when you were banned.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-03-21 at 21:52:44
It's all asumptions. Everyone was having a good time until he came in here.
Trolling isn't nice Merrell
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2006-03-21 at 21:52:54