Holla SEN. I\'m donwano. This site seems really cool and I want to be here forever. Sup?
And Yoshi says something
HERE that you should all consider before welcoming me.
[center]Welcome to SEN, by any chance, would you like a pomegranate?[/center]
Only if you feed it to me.
Welcome... Back? Pshwahahaha
Back...? I was never here...
People told me about this one... Something about multiple accounts and all this strange crap.
What are my plans here at SEN you ask? (Please edit your post above to ask that) Well, my plans are to cause as little controversy as possible and respect EVERY member on this site.
Memeber ID 673? Welcome back indeed, you've been here longer than I have by a long shot.
And donwano, I love you. You're so funny.
Never change.
Ssssh! They're supposed to think that I'm a new member.
And I seem to be having an affair with you... Hmmm... I love you too!
[center]*Starts a threeway*
"Oh, wait, I've been here before..."
Anyway, welcome, NEW MEMBER.[/center]
Well, that's just great for you... Wait! Why would there be a threeway with two guys? Maybe Rexy would be interested in a girl, you never know. So don't jump the gun on getting with me.
Thanks for the offer and a warm welcome though.
I hate your Righted font...
I love it. It's better than that centered font that everyone seems to have grown to like. Holla.
I remember you...
DonwanoX on AIM? With that mother died 3 years before you were born?
What the hell is with you people here?! Why do just random people know all these crazy things about me? Deathhawk knows my real name somehow. He also knows about Nine from a long ass time ago. Now you know about my mother who died 3 years before I was born of leg cancer?
Welcome back to SEN, I hope you'll enjoy it here.
Hey don. I rememeber getting mad at you for creating simular screenames to mine on battle.net a few years back, that was funny
[sub]Oh my god, its Merrell!! *Valug bows.[/sub]
Hello, I especially like your annoying bright green writing.
Yes... I love it.
Looks a lot better than this crap. Ya know?
[right]I'm back. From my controversial suspension.[/right]