The ideaOk I am a programer and wanted to make my own game, and sence I am also an sc nerd, the obvoius choice is an RTS
. I started off getting a bunch of programers to help be on programing team, and they would also be on the design team, but none of them have played any RTS's, and if they have they aren't good at them =P. So I want some SC players to help me design this game. The whole project will take 3-4 years, and I'm not trying to create the next Starcraft or anything like that, I am somewhat realistic here and realize this will never get amazingly popular, but might get some playtime in the RTS community, and definatly some in the game dev community (as most big projects like this do). So I already have a few programers, and know that I can get more who are willing to work on this, so finding them is not going to be an issue.
Your jobI would get a few people and form a design team. Incase you are unaware, a design team fully plans out every aspect of the game before it is made, of caurse many things will be changed throughout but it will still have the same backbone that was created in design, and the beteer desgined it is, the less has to be changed, and the faster the game gets finished. The designing will probobly take about a month of work on the initial design, plus any time in beta testing. I plan to either give away or sell the game (if it is good) on a website so you'll will get a small portion of the profit if there is any, keep in mind it will be very small cause there will be alot of designers, and you'll will spend a short time on this, compared to the programers who will spend years of work on it.
Plans so farThese are just the basic plans, I have more ideas, and these ideas aren't set in stone if the design team dosen't like anything here.
Game PlayThe main focus on the game will be vercitility and variaty, two games with the same races can go COMPLETLY diferent dpending on the map and what your opponent builds, and what they do with what they build. The gameplay, like reasources and terrain is going to be the first thing the design team is going to have to tackle. I am goign to have a campaign mode, and a multiplayer mode.
Setting- Due to two super powers of the galaxy, a total war has eccalated into Chemical warfare able to cause more damage than nukes and in a chain reaction they caused tramatic reactions with the Stars, and the galaxy is completly distrought.
Contact infoEmail:
AIM: Syrreph
USEast: Syrreph.scm - Syrreph
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