ok, I'll have the images up in a sec, but I've found so far that with unit 6667 owned by p12 placed on the map, this happens
- All units have 0/1 hp
- all buildings have 0 build time
- there is a dark spot below and to the right of where the unit is actually placed(measurements coming)
I'd also like to announce my name changing back to Foxboy9x.
That said, Here's the image links...
I tried with multiple buildings and was unable to get units without a crash.
Unit 6667 can't be disabled (duhhh) but thought i'd put that little tidbit in anyway.
can u release a map of it?
Wait it was a scourage before and than it turned into a marine so are u saying that the unit #6667 morphs into the unit that attacks it?
hmm, ive heard before that unit 6667 has weird properties. acualy, earlier today i gave it to myself (player 1) and it just dissapeared with a scourge death sound the moment the game started, so i guess its properties are different depending on owner. some1 should research.
thatd be a pretty cool unit if it does do that...morphing or a doppleganger unit that morphs into what attacks it...mind sending it in a map for testing?i dont use sf that much, but would love to expermiment with it.
and in the screenshot, you said it belongs to player 12?does it attack you back?
and player 12 should be neutral no matter what and not attack anything.
hes just showing the hp properties with the marine, hes not saying that the unit 6667 morphed into a rine...
any unit above like 3000 sets all unit default hp to 0, shields to 0, armor to 0, and so on. Unit 5964 (shows extractor in SF) shows up as a destroyed command center, does not crash. I think you can land buildings on it.
No it does NOT Morph.
I'm expirimenting with random units, just throwing in random 4-digit numbers, other than 5964, no new units. =(