I've seen a lot of "What card should I get", "I'm having trouble with...", and "Wow this is advance!". So I was thinking maybe in some area of other there could be a "Computers" fourm. You could talk about a lot of things from Games, Graphic Engines, to Coding Programs and Operating Systems. It seems to be semi popular on SEN almsot enough for a fourm or subfourm in some place. Think it's a good idea?
There will be no subfourms in the Computer Fourm.
I see them a lot in the Null and games, so I guess either one would work.
I say yes 
Shouldn't all of them go under Programming and Websites? I mean...Computers are programming items...
Nah, that's for coding stuff. Not hardware =\
The only problem is that making it a subforum makes it hard for people to notice it and then everybody would end up posting in null again.
Well I just displayed that Sub Fourms are hard to notice.. Maybe we can bold "Sub Fourms" words. However the Computer Fourm would be everything in general, although most of it is covered in different areas. Games in games fourm, programming can be in programming. But hardware help and etc. isn't found anywhere.
Having a computer forum wouldn't be a bad idea.
-->Technical Difficulties
----->Malacious Content
----->Connection Problems
----->Any other Problems
-->Programming (I honestly don't think it should be under creativity)
----->Beginners Discussion and Help
----->Advanced Programming
-->Design (This may not be necassary, just brain storming)
----->Backgrounds, Themes Icons, and Screensavers
----->Web Design
This is just me, but what’s the point? I mean we have the null for a reason, no point n wasting time and making an entire new forum for a few people. I don’t see a “LOT” of posts about computers.
Having a computer forum would show SEN as a more organized and professional looking website. You can't just have everything go in the null. I'm sure more people would post in the computer section with the necassary threads then the few computer threads in the null.
That might be true but I still say it’s a waste of space. Professional? Where have you been?

. Maybe just one forum that was for everything related to computers. But adding the forums merrell said would just be a waste of time.
It doesn't take that much work, only a little FAQ editting, and the forum itself. =\
And maybe a new forum for it would inspire more posts about computers.
I never said it would be a waste of time, Zombie.
Zombie you misread his post most likely. Here's a full tutorial:
The actual fourm name
What it covers
-->Technical Difficulties
Sub Fourm
----->Malacious Content
----->Connection Problems
----->Any other Problems
What it covers
-->Programming (I honestly don't think it should be under creativity)
Sub Fourm
----->Beginners Discussion and Help
----->Advanced Programming
What it covers
-->Design (This may not be necassary, just brain storming)
Sub Fourm
----->Backgrounds, Themes Icons, and Screensavers
----->Web Design
What it covers.
It's not like we'll have 20 new fourms. Though I think most of that can be covered int he description alone, it's not THAT active so having everything in one place would be a better idea. The description could be:
"Computer fourm, need help with your computer, programming, designing, or anything computer related. Bring it over here"
I’m not stupid golden, I still say it’s a waste of time, all admin should do is make ONE forum named computers. That simple.
QUOTE(Zombie @ Mar 24 2006, 09:50 PM)
I’m not stupid golden, I still say it’s a waste of time, all admin should do is make ONE forum named computers. That simple.[right][snapback]452345[/snapback][/right]
If you're not stupid then I'm guessing you knew you just repeated what I said, right?
...having everything in one place would be a better idea.
You stoled my layout?

QUOTE(Merrell @ Mar 24 2006, 10:00 PM)
You stoled my layout?

Weren't you being sarcastic?

*Laughs-Out-Loud at the idea of a Computer forum. (However it made me think of a nice idea, so thx)
Obvious answer is a Techincal Assistance Forum. Think about it please. Credit goes to me woot.
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Mar 24 2006, 07:57 PM)
If you're not stupid then I'm guessing you knew you just repeated what I said, right?
...having everything in one place would be a better idea.
whoops i ment a period instead of a comma.
The programing forum is inactive anyway. Just rename it to Computer stuff or something instead of subforum to subforum

It definitely shouldn't be in the creative forum, no one goes there. But it might be helpful.
I agree it should be a seperate forum under 'Other'. It would be quite popular and noobies will notice it, they don't notice it right now.
I agree with having a Computers dedicated forum. However, I disagree with placing numerous sub-forums to it. Look at the Programming & Webmaking forum, there isn't very much going on in there, and if you add all the other Computer related threads in Null ad Light Discussion, you'll have a forum with an average activity between Games and Light Discussion.
Ok. I edited first post to show that I don't intend there to be sub fourms.