QUOTE(Ethic @ Mar 26 2006, 04:12 PM)
When a unit is disabled like a turret or something a rock sprite is made and that crashes sc, but i never knew a broodling would do it :\
Goliath turret - disabled - spins around, doesn't crash.
Larva - disabled - spins around, doesn't crash.
Zeratul/DT/hero DT - disabled - spins around, doesn't crash.
Drone - disabled - mines in place, doesn't crash.
there are a few more exceptions, they just don't seem to do much.
What i would
reallllly like to know is how to permanently cloak zerg units using disable trigs...or if it's possible. I know the whole unburrow with the arbiter thing, but I wanna know how to do it with trigs.